Do you have nicknames? Do you like them?

Usually Sab, sabby, or mina (only by my family, bf)

Their alright, I like mina because it actually has story behind it. When I was younger my full name was too long for me to say so I would try to say "bina" but I also had trouble pronouncing the b so I said "mina" instead.
I have a few nicknames but they aren?t really too related to my name, it?s too short already to be really shortened enough to save time lol most of my nicknames are from the teams I used to play on like a few years ago my basketball coaches just randomly decided to start calling me Kale out of nowhere
My name is Olivia, but most people call me Livvy, and a few call me Liv. I like them! My fianc? usually calls me LivLiv, which I love! :)
My nickname is Jules and I always go by that when I?m with close friends. On the forums people refer to me as dizzy which I like too :> Sometimes people I meet will shorten my name to ?Julie? for some reason which really pisses me off. I went by that name for a short while in high school because my name was so long and people preferred to call me that I guess. But now when I talk to high school acquantainces I really can?t stand it.
Yeah I've a few and most are pretty rad inside jokes so I'm not gonna go explain them here.
basically versions of how teachers pronounce my name. This involves zeheenee, zmeanie, zthe weird one, zhinny etc. (my name is pronounced zhen-ae but spelt Zhen?e). Or just zhen.
My friends have created nicknames based on my real name, such as Esa, Esko and my favorite one so far, Esai. :D My internet friends mostly call me Lemon, Lem or something else.
Well I always go by a nickname unless someone is referring to me formally or doesn't know me. My favorite nickname is Kat but like nobody calls me that ^^"

Online my friends call me things like N64, 64, and even Super Mario xDD it's p great
In school, I had too many nicknames.. not one that I liked.

My name's Franziska and there are SO many ways to put it in a bad way..
Franz, Franziskus, Franziskaner Wei?bier, even Hans somehow..
so freaking annoying that they would never call me normal.

When I changed school I had online the nickname "Zari",
so I kinda tried to show that I want to be called like that
and they actually ended up calling me either Zari or Franzi <:
I get called Gav sometimes...which is short for Gavin, my real name.
I often get called Croconaw or Croco. People I know in person are aware of my obsession with the Pok?mon, Croconaw. I think it just caught on.
My name is Katherine so I only really go by nicknames. I've taken to allowing "Katherine" only at like doctors and stuff because I'm already so uncomfortable I don't want them to know me by my preferred name, which is Kaydee. I also go by Katie, but it's lame, and I have a few friends who call me Kitty. My mom calls me Pumpkin, or Katy-Bug, or just Bug. My family calls me Tate. So I mean, mostly nicknames, and I don't mind them. Just don't call me Kathy.
Nan, Nana, Chachi, Liz, Lizzy. It's all pretty much corresponding to my first and middle name.
Tina is technically a nickname although I treat it as my real name. My friend's Dad started shortening that to T/Ti a couple years ago and it's somehow caught on. I guess it's alright.
lol i only go by my nickname cuz i hate my full name! my real name is katelynn but everyone calls me katey, being called katelynn feels so weird D: online most people just say neo if my name isn't listed and i like it! i think it's kinda fun to be called by your username when people don't know your real name, it's like you have a cool undercover codename ಸ‿ಸ
My name is Emmeline, but everyone calls me Esme. I've had the nickname my entire life. In fact, it almost sounds weird to hear my actual name spoken out loud. My family also calls me Sunshine and Lily.