Do you like spiders?

Well, do you?

  • Heck no

    Votes: 17 56.7%
  • I don't mind them

    Votes: 7 23.3%
  • They're awesome

    Votes: 6 20.0%

  • Total voters


Leaving TBT for now. See you at the next AC game!
Mar 10, 2015
Ghostly Kitty Ice Cream Cone
Shadow Kitty Plush
Spring Shamrock
Spiders are a neat concept and their webs are cool... if only they'd do that outside and away from me. They give me the heebie-jeebies.
Spiders are friend-shaped. Yes, I do like spiders. You won't see me reaching out to directly interact with them, but I figure they're beneficial since they'll eat whatever bugs that might usually reside in or find their way into a home. If I ever see any I usually just let them do their thing, unless they're climbing down a silk thread from the ceiling and getting in my space. I go out of my way to not kill them and simply try to relocate them to safety elsewhere within the room or house.
I'm 50/50 on whether I will freak out or ignore the spider entirely. It depends on the circumstances.
They’re alright until they’re in my room when I want to go to sleep. When I was little I saw this thing on TV of how someone woke up to a spider in their bed and I’ve been terrified of that happening to me ever since. 😂
The thought of having any kind of bug crawling on me is not a nice one either.
prefer them out of my room because they bite me but I don't kill them, I relocate them outside or in the basement if it's too cold (don't tell my mom)
100% no 😭 it is insane to me that there are stories about spiders crawling into people's mouths when they sleep like????? 😭😭😭😭
I don't mind them, but I don't think I'd want one as a pet or anything like that.
YES! They are friend shaped! Except black widows (because you do see them where I live), those get crushed on sight.
I like when they stay far away from me

xnsixndj I’m afraid of most bugs, spiders included. I have respect for spiders and the job they do in controlling the bug population, but I would definitely prefer if they did all that literally anywhere but inside my home LOL. It’s the main reason why I don’t see myself ever visiting Australia, because good lord… the spiders there are insane. I think I would actually just drop dead if I ever saw a huntsman in front of me.

Though, I’ve seen plenty of people with spiders (mainly tarantulas) as pets, and while that life is not for me, those spiders are admittedly kind of cute. It’s really nice to see how loved and well taken care of those spiders are by their owners. There’s this girl on Tiktok who used to have a jumping spider named Rosie. Rosie has sadly since passed, but she was honestly very cute and very well taken care of. Her owner clearly loved and treasured her a lot, and it was nice to see.
My rule is that if you smash one and it makes a crunch sound, then it is too big to be in my house. They have free roam of my yard though.

I do relocate spiders like Daddy Long Legs. Depending on where you live, they are kind of adorable.
It depends really! I don’t want to see a giant one in the house, but a little jumping spider outside is cute! No matter how bad they get, centipedes are always worse in my opinion.
Here’s a macro photo I took of a Zebra Jumper (I think) back in 2018! ÓóωòÒ
We also had a cross orbweaver living on our porch that year, my mom named her Gloria and we really enjoyed her presence! She spun such beautiful webs ^^
I like them from a distance, but I do not want them to touch me . They're interesting creatures. If aliens exist I imagine they'd be something like spiders in the way that they're completely different from humans. One of my favorite books, Children of Time, is actually about a species of intelligent aliens descended from spiders developing an advanced society. I loved the way the author created culture and technology with them in mind and it kept me glued from start to finish despite the boring half of the book spent on the human colony ship.
Hmm I think they look cool and kinda cute, but I don't want them on me, or in my house. I'm not particularly scared of them thankfully, but I'll keep them at a respectable distance.
[insert joke about Australia and spiders here], but honestly? The spiders and wildlife here are not as bad as people seem to think, although to be fair Australians do like to joke and gaslight about random stuff in Australia to non-australians. I have seen some large spiders before, but especially if you stick to the more urban areas, you can go a long time without seeing one.
"spiders are a neat concept" made me giggle hehe, like can someone please uninstall the spider DLC thank you 😂

but seriously, I think spiders are great. I'm only wary of a spider if I think it might bite me. besides that I love them, especially jumping spiders! I almost kept one as a pet recently, but they're so smol and I'd worry about it escaping. I saw some tarantulas at a pet store recently (namely a Mexican redknee) and it was so cute! if it weren't for the fact that they shoot out their hairs like porcupine quills when startled, I would love to hold one someday. 😊
i really don't mind them, i don't think I'd like one crawling on me and i wouldn't seek one out, but if they're just chilling in my house then whatever. i follow someone on TikTok who owns a jumping spider as a pet and it's very cute!
I'm arachnophobic. I like to watch spiders from a distance but I'd freak if one came close to me. I know fear of spiders is common among people, but after watching this video (I don't remember but it was by one of those storytime animators) where someone said something like "I don't get why people are scared of spiders. They're so cute!" I felt bad for myself.
I'm trying really hard to not be afraid of them but they still scare me. I've learnt about all the local spiders I could find in my house, all harmless, yet when I see one I can't help but scream for help and run away.
Once I have more means I hope to get this phobia treated the same way I've got another phobia treated: slow exposure therapy. Because I can't just sleep in my car the day I'll live alone and find a spider in my bedroom 🤣