Do you think the way Frozen DIYs are earned is better than present balloons for some of the other seasonal recipes? I think I like it better. One plus is that you are certain to earn all the recipes if you build enough perfect snow boys, with one recipe earned each day (if you do not time travel). Another is that it's more fun to have a season-specific way of earning them. The drawback could be that you only earn one per day while it's possible to earn more of the other seasonal recipes in one day by hanging out on the beach for hours.
Another consideration is that the Frozen set is sent directly to the Nook phone without a recipe card. So these don't seem to be trade-able without hacking. This is similar to Turkey Day. Is the Turkey Day method preferable to you?
Do you think the game developers will make changes in future updates to how seasonal recipes are given?
I don't mind having to build snowmen. If you know to to portion the sizes correctly, you should be okay. I think the real challenge is navigating the town. I've seen some wild maps shared by people, and I can't imagine they will have much luck. I guess the same could be said for linear and cluttered islands.
I definitely like this method, more so because it’s different from the usual balloon popping ways. If frozen DIYs only lasted for a week or so then this would be a big problem, but since they last all winter it works well in my opinion.
I think the more varied ways there are to get special DIYs the better. People are clearly tired and frustrated with the balloons, so having something different feels refreshing.
I'd really like this method if like Turkey Day, they made the recipes available at Nooks after the event was over. That way there's no stress about getting everything if you can't play for a day or two!
I like not having to pop balloons again, especially since there are gonna be festive DIYs in the balloons. I also like that we have all winter to get them instead of having to do it in ten days. Hopefully its not too hard for me or other people to make the snowmen. My friend's mom was just concerned about making the snow men and how hard it was gonna be.
I definitely prefer this method over hunting balloons, especially since you can take some time to collect the DIYs instead of being in hurry because of limit time and you also get the whole set for sure. It's actually fun to build snowmen and it's also nice that the way of obtaining the Frozen set DIYs fit to the whole season theme. Besides, the snowmen work perfectly as island decorations, even if they only last for a few days.
I greatly prefer this method. Balloon popping for seasonal DIYs is extremely lame if you get bad RNG at all. At least with the frozen set you can feel like you did something to get them, rather than be in the right place at the right time for a balloon. I've TT'ed since the beginning, and I still don't have all of the festive DIYs due to mediocre balloon luck.
I don’t like it because I can’t find any snowballs. I’ll be missing out on these recipes unless it’s possible to build one on another island and get the recipe. I‘m not digging up all my flowers. If I wasn’t having this problem then I would prefer this method. I loved the way we got recipes on turkey day.
My island kind of sucks for rolling snowballs so I'm dreading this. My island is mainly covered in paths so my two snowballs have been spawning in the same area all the time (my graveyard). While it's easy to find, it's kind of hard to roll them into a good size without bumping into stuff. I might just remove all my furnitures and trees placed in that area, at least until I get the recipes I need. Thankfully, I'm not the biggest fan of the frozen set so it wouldn't bug me that much if I missed out on a few.
I hate building snowboys so I TTed to do these early in batches. Good thing I did too because my island is way less suited for it now. In theory I like this method because it breaks up balloon hunting I just specifically don't like snowboys.
I mean, compared to farming balloons, building the snowfolk is definitely the lesser of the two evils. I'm not great at building them, though, even with following a guide. It will take me more practice to get good at.
I have built several snowmen all perfect(I was tting cause I was ordering stuff not specifically for snowmen). I wasn't looking forward to this because I've always had trouble building perfect snowmen in past games. I have read a few guides on this and it has helped a lot(make first snowball full size and 2nd snowball 10% smaller). Also loving that the snowballs are close together instead of opposite ends of town like before and that if one breaks yo get another pretty quick. I am really tired of balloon hunting so it's a nice change of pace especially considering how many other winter diys do come from balloons. I really think we should be able to get them from villagers/bottles too. Or even have a small chance of shaking one from a tree when looking for ornaments. Would be more pleasant collecting diys that way. Balloons are just frustrating.
Rolling Perfect snowboys isnt hard...well at least for me. Once you know how to do it, you pretty much can do it every time. Also, if you roll a perfect snowboy, your other player characters can interact with it and get a free frozen DIY but only on the day it was created.
The method is fun but I don't like the shared island penalty I posted in the rant thread that my GF built the first snow boy this morning and now apparently I have to wait till it melts tomorrow before I get to play it. She got the frozen columns which is something I would be going crazy with already - and there's no guarantee that I'll get it right away when I finally get a chance to play with show balls.