i never really got into it. i don't like how you can't keep the clothes in your wardrobe if they're on the wand. it's annoying to have to buy duplicates if i wanna mix and match my clothes. i sometimes bring the wand to my friends' islands for fun, but i never use it when i'm alone.
I like it! It allows me to have quick access to alternate costumes (which I wouldn’t have had otherwise). Right now on Evwirt I just use it for my deer costume and “fancy” clothes, though.
I do like and use it! I have a single standard outfit that I use most, but sometimes I feel like switching it up a little and the wand is a great way to keep some backup outfits without having to look through my entire storage every time.
I don't really use it and tbh I find it a bit of a pain to load up and then carry around with me (I like having spots for all my tools haha) and I also don't like that you can't access the clothes on your wand when you go to a wardrobe, honestly I completely forget it's even a thing unless I get a new recipe for one
Initially when I first started playing I used the wand almost daily and loved being able to change outfits at will so quickly. In recent months I stopped updating the outfits or carrying a wand. It loses its allure quickly!
I went through a phase of using it for a while in the summer because it meant I had outfits ready to go for different scenarios (namely if it was raining or not) but then I started getting annoyed about not being able to use the same item of clothing multiple times, plus I was diving a lot at the time so I was constantly changing in and out of the wand outfits anyway. I like the idea of it but personally haven't used it much!
I never use it. I tried it once when I made my first wand, but didn’t like how it took the clothes away and I don’t want an extra thing to carry around. I also don’t change outfits frequently enough for it to be useful. I kinda forget wands are even in the game.
At the beginning I used it all the time I really don’t bother now. I don’t even carry it in my pockets anymore I just choose an outfit I like and unless I need to change for whatever reason it’s easy to go home. Normally only change needed is if I want to go diving and have to change into my wetsuit which is in my pocket always
I would like the wands better if each wand had a unique set if outfit slots. That way my egg wand would have different outfits on it than my fish wand and so on.
I really love peeking into people's closets when they have wand outfits.
Yeah, no. The idea of it is cool but I like changing my clothes often where I have a couple staple items I'll reuse. So because the wand locks the clothes in place, I don't want to buy duplicates of shoes, etc.
I hadn't used wands at all and tried setting up some outfits this week after I visited a DA that left out a wand, but the fact the outfits "claim" the clothes really irked me. Not only can I not set up other wand outfits using the same items, it made it a lot harder to figure out normal outfits. Maybe I'll look into it again if they change the mechanics.
I'd like it more if it could actually function as a quick outfit change tool...and it didn't yell at me for having it on when trying to use the changing room in able's, put on your wetsuit, etc.
I like the idea of it but hardly ever use it. Registering outfits isn't that fun for me and I don't play with others often enough to use it. I don't think villagers care much about it. Plus, the tool wheel only holds 8 tools and I prefer to have the vaulting pole over the wand. Still, I think it's a nice feature so that there is something for everyone in the game.
I like the wand! I think it has its issues but overall I like it. I use it to store my “dress up” outfits, so to speak. I have a farmers outfit, a gardening outfit, an explorers outfit, some pjs, an outfit for rain and maybe something else? Just things for when I feel like a quick costume change.
I really wish we could try on clothes from Ables even when using the magic wand and I’d love it if I could store a wetsuit outfit in it!