I have a consistent sleep schedule as in on certain nights I will definitely sleep less, and on others I'll definitely sleep more. My schedule is wacky like that because of my college classes being at different times in the day and the amount of hw or studying needed to be done depends on what classes I have the next day.
eh, it depends on how lazy i am with my school work lol
tonight i'll probably be in bed around 9:45ish because i have a geometry review due tomorrow, and i have a really bad habit of watching youtube videos before bed.
last night was the first night i went to bed at a 'normal' time (12:00 am)
usually i never sleep and rely on a 30 min naps when i need them, and i just wish i got actual rest honestly
Mine is really all over the place, I try to keep a schedule but I mess it up every single week. I sleep days because I work nights, but sometimes I sleep literally all day, until I have to go to work. Sometimes I'll take two naps one when I get home, and one before going to work. Sometimes on my last day off I'll sleep at night, wake up in the morning and not be able to get any sleep before going to work (this sucks.) Sometimes I'll not get any sleep because I have some family thing to do when I get off of work, and then be up all day doing that, and then go back to work that night and survive on caffeine all night feeling like death (this is the worst.) So yeah, it depends on what I have to do, how I'm feeling generally, but my sleep is in no way consistent...
hah.. yeah, i wish. one day i'll wake up at 10 am, the next 12 pm, the next 9 pm, yknow there's just no real clock for me lol. i like staying up all night and sleeping all day which isn't doable but yep