Do you still check your mailbox?

Have you checked your mailbox lately?

  • Yes

    Votes: 20 95.2%
  • No

    Votes: 1 4.8%

  • Total voters


Apr 21, 2020
I haven’t checked my mailbox in a while and I have 200+ mails from villagers sitting there. I need to clean it up at some point since it’s piling up and there might be items i need from the presents. But if I order stuff, I usually check more often and get what i need from the mailbox.
Only really if I've ordered stuff, otherwise I've got a bad habit of saving mails for later when I can be bothered... Which hasn't come yet.
Yes, every time I decide to open the game, which is rare now, I will check the mailbox. Last time I did so, I found old birthday cake? Lol
Yes, because I can't stand the noise carrying on lol. I really wish there was a mass delete for mail in NH, because I have to painstakingly go through old things one by one to delete them to make space.
I still open everything, usually the minute that I see that I have mail. On the rare occasion, I’ll wait aside from things that I ordered. It bugs more most of the time if I don’t open it right away, not because of the sound but just because it’s one more thing that at the back of my head I’m thinking that I need to do.
I always check it first thing every time I play. The beeping really annoys me and I don't like not knowing what's in there anyway. I usually delete everything too so it stays clean and organized.
Yes I always check my mailbox, usually it's the first thing I do when I start the day, and then the beep sound is really annoying, so I go through the letters and delete the ones I don't keep.
Yes, every day, but always forget to delete some mail so my box is full. Some letters are really funny. I don't want to delete them.
I only save letters from villagers who are no longer on my island, first occurrence letters from current ones, or certain special occasion letters (I still have all the game update letters saved from Nintendo). While I do still check my mailbox every time I play, it’s more of an OCD thing of needing everything “read” so that the flashing mail notifier on the box doesn’t bother me.

It’s now at a point where I’ve pretty much read all of what the villagers send me at random, so I take quick glances at the content and send them to the trash. They don’t respond to my letters anymore, which is a bit unusual, but whatever.
I mostly just check it when I order things in order to collect what I ordered, but aside from that I do check it every now and then. I usually just quickly take the presents from any mail that has a present attached, and then I try cleaning my mailbox a bit to free up space. Otherwise it fills up too much.
I still check it but I'll be honest that I don't always read all the letters I get. When they start to pile up too much then I will just open and toss them without really reading.
I check it anytime I log in because I can't stand leaving it unread. It's like having notifications constantly.
I do, whenever I have new mail. I don't spent too long reading the letters, but otherwise I would be annoyed by the constant flashing blue light.
I check my mailbox every time I boot up my game (so around once a month/every 2 months or so LOL), but I haven't actually opened any of my mail in eons. I have a lot of letters I'm gonna have to clear out eventually. 😅
I really need to get better at checking my mail. I am better at checking it on my second island since I recently restarted it. That one I check everyday even if I don’t always take all the stuff I ordered out of it. Depends on much much storage space I have. On my main island I don’t usually check it as I haven’t been on it as much. I will have to check it next time I am on.
Currently working on island design, so i order from nook catalog almost daily. I check my mail every day for that.

But- there are a lot of letters and present in there that need to be dealt with. I just don't have the time to clear it all out. 😂