(⨀🞃 ⨀ )◄
I can buy my own candy now and get the ones I actually want
Not even an adult and I agree with this lol. Also yeah the people who wear those inappropriate outfits in public are weird af, especially since there's like kids everywhere.nah, i might sound like a boomer here but i kinda hate when older kids/adults are trick-or-treating at my door. unless your costume is really good you're getting one of the crappy candies or nothing, buy your own and get away from methough this might also be because this age group in my neighbourhood sucks, every year someone rolls up in a really inappropriate costume or is just really rude, not a "thank you" or anything.
i think if you wanna trick-or-treat as adults it might be best to organize something with friends - everyone gather at the same person's home and treat individual rooms as houses or something