Do you still trick-or-treat?

Do you still trick-or-treat?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 6.1%
  • No

    Votes: 27 81.8%
  • Maybe

    Votes: 4 12.1%

  • Total voters
I haven't gone in years and honestly it was my parents' decision when I had to stop going. I'm probably never going again considering my age now. There's no way anyone would let me. I get kinda sad thinking about it, though. Just something I will never get to re-experience.
I’ve never trick-or-treated in my life. When I was a kid Halloween wasn’t celebrated at all here where I live, and now, 20 years later, I think it’s slowly starting to become more popular but now I’m too old.
If I'm alone, no. I just enjoy passing out the candy at my house. Now that my cousin and her children moved back to town, yes if they want me to tag along. I don't go to the door and ask for candy though. Halloween is my favorite holiday and any chance I get to dress up and be spooky, I take it. I literally have stacks of crazy contact lenses and props to put on. The kids enjoy it too :)
I would love to do trick-or-treat if and only if I have others who will join me. Otherwise, no. As a kid, I never really did it either because trick-or-treating isn't really popular. It only gained huge popularity here in the recent decade or two.
I have never been huge on Halloween. I only got a costume when I was very young, then I didn't bother. I've never been trick or treating! I do enjoy people getting excited over it and enjoy seeing the spooky decorations!
I’m an adult now, but still kind of upset at how my trick or treating days ended pretty abruptly. I had a group of friends I would go with for years, and then suddenly at 15 everyone decided we were too old. I still wanted to go but didn’t have anyone to go with, and was too socially anxious to go by myself, or make my parents come along, or bother my sister’s friends. So it just. Stopped. I didn’t even know my last time would be my last when it happened 😭 it was always so fun, like a really magical night
I'm adult, so no. I felt like I was too young to stop when I did though. My parents forced me to stop once I started highschool, so I would have only been 13 years old. It felt ridiculous to me, especially considering how literally all of my other friends were still trick-or treating at the time and continued for a couple years after.