Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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Yes, I swear like a sailor when I get mad in real life, but I don't usually swear online, and when I do, it's pretty rare.
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Rarely. There was a time where I did it a lot... That was my overnight stocking job. That place was so toxic that it even made me curse. xD I dropped it after leaving, though. Sometimes I get the urge to curse when posting something online, but I always censor it with *'s lol.
Yes. Yes I do! I have a bit of a temprament in rl not so much online.
At home a little bit, otherwise I don't or try not to. I've found it makes it more impactful the less you do.
Swearing adds some spice into your vocabulary lol but I obviously do not if the situation is not appropriate for it. I never do online (unless it is DMs with friends in Discord or something) because it's usually not appropriate/allowed. It helps that a lot of modern slang is abbreviations so you can pseudo-swear to get the point across ๐Ÿ˜…
Yes. A lot when I'm at home. My family say that I'm a bad influence on my nephew because he's still a toddler and can hear me. In public the swear words will sometimes come out on accident when I'm unexpectedly angry. Otherwise, I try to avoid it in a professional setting or on here. Except on the What's Bothering You? thread, I don't hold back there.
I swear a lot more when Iโ€™m angry or frustrated at something and/or someone. other than that I might swear here and there but nothing too outrageous.
I've left a previous reply on this thread already but it was from literally almost a decade ago. I think I have a good balance. I'll let out a blip every once in a while. I usually swear more often if I'm experiencing extreme emotions.
I used to think it was literally the spawn of Satan and even speaking one would need me to have my soul cleansed. Okay, not exactly that, but basically. But when I got into 9th grade and also found out that my sister does it at school, I realized that there's not really anything wrong with it. So I do it in moderation, like every so often. Even when I'm surrounded by friends that swear every 5 seconds, I still try to have restraint.
how have I never commented in this thread lmaoooo

yes I swear a lot, and no I'm not ashamed of it. I don't swear around my parents or in professional places though, just out of respect (even though my parents swear around me nonstop, been that way as long as I can remember). I do it a lot more when I'm playing video games, not bc I get mad but because it somehow makes my game playing experience even funnier (prob because some of my favorite youtubers are Poofesure and AVGN so I have a taste for it).

it's made even better by the fact that, on the surface, I really don't look like the kind of person who would talk like that. to this day if I actually see myself saying a swear then it still surprises me ๐Ÿคฃ
this was a year and a half ago, and it honestly very different from my perspective on the issue now.

nowadays I don't find myself swearing much, if at all. I think sometimes a word or two still slips out in my usual speech, and I honestly do still kinda talk like that while playing games, but besides that I've pretty much stopped talking like that altogether. I've realized that there's no need to use such vulgar language. also, in regards to the last point I made, I really don't look like the kind of person who would talk like that, and I guess in a way it feels awkward to see myself talking like that. I don't necessarily think that swearing is inherently disrespectful, but I've always been the kind of person who wants to be approachable and hospitable to others, and I think not talking in swears all the time helps with that.

I actually started out cutting back on swears out of respect to my friends, but now it's just a part of me. I'm hoping that, at some point, I can stop talking like that altogether, because it's actually kinda starting to bother me. of course I won't tell others how they can and can't talk, but it does feel jarring to hear others talk in such a way too (that being said, though, I still like watching AVGN and Poofesure sometimes).
I never directly curse at others, but sometimes when explaining something I'll throw in expletives. Or I might mutter a curse word to myself. It's definitely not a large part of my vocabulary.
I wish we could change our votes because I started swearing A LOT more from the last time I posted. ๐Ÿ˜ญ I use heavy profanity quite often, though I'm trying to keep it to a minimum, so I try to use "tamer" swears more as an alternative. And I say "damn", "hell", etc. on a daily basis.

I usually use curse words as an expletive to enhance whatever I'm saying, but I can't tell you how many times I've blurted out "shut the hell up" to some people... Obviously I don't wanna use profanity to be rude or insulting, but it can easily slip out when I'm angry.
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Yes? But not all the time.

Sometimes when I'm very angry or very emotional (such as stubbing a toe). Otherwise, the other time I swear is when it is needed for dramatic effect to add a little bit of sustenance to when I'm recounting a story.
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Yes? But not all the time.

Sometimes when I'm very angry or very emotional (such as stubbing a toe). Otherwise, the other time I swear is when it is needed for dramatic effect to add a little bit of sustenance to when I'm recounting a story.