Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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I swear a lot, practically in every sentence. Usually as a modifier or an exclamation.
I try not to curse around children or people who don't like it but tbh I tend to be uncomfortable around those who are sensitive to cursing as it makes me feel like they're uptight or judgemental. I like people who curse casually because I feel like they tend to be down to Earth and don't take themselves too seriously.
lmao i got an infraction point for explaining how cringe it is when my colleagues say certain swear words lmfaooooooo resetti please get over it
I swear pretty frequently/casually in-person (though I do try to reign it in around people who are bothered by it/children/etc.), but I only curse rarely online, and typically only lightly when I do. I feel like curse words can come across a lot stronger in text than I usually mean them.
yeah i swear a lot, but i try not to on social media/forums like this one since someone might get upset or it'll break rules somewhere.
**** yeah I do. I do control my swearing and pick my spots where to do it, though sometimes I may lose control depending on the emotional situation and/or if I'm in pain. Usually it boils down to me swearing when I'm alone, sometimes when watching hockey in person or if I'm posting somewhere on the internet where it's okay to do so, but I won't swear in public, at work, around most people IRL or when posting somewhere on the internet where it's less acceptable to swear (like here, even if the words do get censored).
I don't swear often at all irl, but when I do it's usually a joke. I tend to do it moreso online since I feel more comfortable, but again it's mainly as a joke or when I'm super annoyed or upset about something.
all the time. my parents never censored their language around me and swore quite often, so i picked up on it rather quickly. i started off quietly swearing to myself in my room for a few years so that i wouldn’t get in trouble, but when my parents and i moved away from my grandmother, they gave me permission to start swearing around them. they weren’t comfortable with me saying the f or c words, but the others were fine. i never really listened, though — i barely use the c word, but the f word and i are... well acquainted lmao. i don’t just swear whenever i’m angry, excited, etc; i do it casually, and without thinking, because i’ve been doing it so long that i don’t remember that it’s sometimes seen as inappropriate or confrontational or something. i don’t mind my mouth much when i’m around my friends or family, but because i don’t wanna give anyone the wrong idea, i don’t do it in public settings or around people i don’t know very well/just met. i also don’t really do it on here, because i don’t wanna get an infraction lmao.
Sometimes. But I think it is mostly because I don't see the problem with it unless you are attacking someone. Some people really don't like that but, I am also tired that so many people sugar coat so many things in my lifetime. There is literally no difference between oh no, oh nuts, oh rats, oh clams, oh crap, or oh fudge vs oh **i* or oh *U**. It is the SAME exact thing but there are people who seem to think there is? I guess I don't grasp that if there really is. Or how some countries find Da*** a bad word and other countries don't see it a problem at all.
I also find a huge problem with people considering body parts as bad words. Especially if one gender is listed as bad and the other is listed as just fine. That drives me up a wall. (not talking about slang)
I used to swear a ton, but since having Nicholas, I don’t really swear much. The only times I do are if it’s causally in text with friends, or if I’m REALLY mad or upset about something and Nicholas is in bed. Other than that, I’ve found very “mom-esque” replacements for swearing, probably the most common being, “good christmas”. My stepdaughter thinks it’s hilarious and says, “Next you’ll be saying, ‘good easter’ and ‘good Halloween’”. It’s pretty funny lol
depends, online i swear CONSTANTLY bc i just got used to doing it, irl i don't swear as much bc my family is strict and don't like swearing. ill swear if im by myself tho, usually if something bad happens. usually refrain from swearing on this website now tho bc dont wanna make people uncomfortable and stuff
This is how I imagine most people who only know me in public situations would probably react to my private communications.

On here? Not really. I only swear on here if I'm mad and ranting about something in the What's Bothering You thread. Irl though? All the time lol. Mostly depends who I'm around though. I know some people online and offline who don't like it, so I won't use it around them. In my country swearing is just part of your regular vocabulary for most people, so it's not really offensive at all for me.
Still true, but I think my swearing irl is now worse lol. Especially in the workplace as it's a very casual atmosphere.
I voted here a long time ago but never commented on it.

I rarely swear in front of others in real life; I get reactions of utter shock whenever I do.

The 'sometimes' is really for whenever I'm alone or online (even though this is now once blue moon).
Offline never. Only to close friends when I’m online, but even then I probably swear the least compared to the others in my circle lol
Only in my mind. It's really weird. I refuse to do it out loud or through text and consider it to not be part of my personality, but I do it in my head? Doesn't make sense.
I swear very rarely. There's not really any reason why I don't swear often. It's just that swear words aren't the first words that come to my mind when I'm speaking. I'm not opposed to swearing, it's just not something that tends to comes to me naturally I guess