Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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I swear a lot around my friends and people who I know won't judge me for it. I don't swear much here on tbt for obvious reasons. I'm pretty impulsive so it takes a lot of self-restraint to not swear more than I do. I'm working at a primary school so of course I don't swear when I'm teaching, but it is pretty difficult sometimes ngl 😅
I swear a lot around my friends and people I know won’t judge, but I know that there’s a time and a place to swear. I try not to on TBT (I think the only places it’s slipped is in the “What’s Bothering You” thread) but sometimes it’s hard to restrain myself.

I mainly use them as like a sentence enhancer, or by accident. I don’t see a problem with swearing as long as you’re not using the words to offend anyone. And there’s a big difference between swears and slurs; I never use the latter because that’s just plain disrespectful.
i didn't grow up in a house that allowed swearing (i remember getting in trouble for saying things like "jerk" or "stupid" ) but i find myself cursing quietly when i'm on my own. online with friends i feel like i'm pretty tame but will curse here and there from time to time
I replied to this thread several years ago but I still never swear and I don’t plan on ever changing that. I like not having to worry about different language filters with different people, it makes being natural around everyone much easier for me
Pretty rarely.
Growing up in a toxic household, swearing was almost constant and it was something I really hated.
It only really slips for me if I'm truly majorly upset by something that would have to be pretty bad.
I used to, but now I have a little boy looking up to me. Soo unless you count, “christmas crimeny” or “good christmas” as swearing, then no. And I have no idea where I pulled those from.
online? rarely. in real life? never.

(oops just realized that i may have posted here twice)
I do a lot if it isn’t going to offend my audience. I avoid it here because this doesn’t feel like the community is the kind that really has a lot of it. But I do much more when playing games or just at work since all my coworkers swear a lot too.
Yeah I do A LOT, I try to hold it back if I'm around some kiddos though. Otherwise idc if you're an adult who doesn't cuss, I will cuss at you, get over it. LOL
I swear pretty frequently/casually in-person (though I do try to reign it in around people who are bothered by it/children/etc.), but I only curse rarely online, and typically only lightly when I do. I feel like curse words can come across a lot stronger in text than I usually mean them.
Posting again because I've actually been trying to break this habit! Slip-ups can be... unfortunate, depending on the setting, and sometimes it isn't clear who will or won't be bothered by it, so I'm more-or-less trying to stop cursing altogether. I'm still not generally bothered by other people cursing, but for myself I'd ideally like to get it down to a "once in a blue moon" level at least.

Currently I'd say I curse sometimes—I'm usually able to stop myself now and come up with a replacement (even if there's a rather obvious pause in my sentence eheh), but it still tends to come out a bit more if I get surprised or am by myself.
I am quite a curious case when it comes to swearing, as it's something I actively avoid when online but I have no qualms about it irl
On the Internet I have to make an effort not to swear. It’s almost slipped out on some family-friendly places like this forum and certain servers, but still, it only slipped out once or twice (and relatively minor swears, not f-bombs).

I always scout out wether the server/group I’m in is okay with swearing, and how much swearing, first. I don’t want to be disrespectful, nor stand out for swearing all the time in a place where it’s rare.

In real life, I have a pretty firm line between people I know or recognise would be comfortable with swearing. I don’t swear to strangers in real life, unless something absolutely painful happened or they casually slipped it first. I’m okay with not swearing and it won’t push me away from people, although I am much more comfortable when I can swear.

I don’t try to push it with slurs or abelism either way, that isn’t funny. I also don’t count “crap”/“jerk” as swearing, and “ass” is borderline. There are a few words that are more insulting in some countries than others- not talking about slurs- but definite curse words or insults which are more casually used in say, the UK or Australia compared to the US, so they feel like less intense swears or even more of a meme to me. Honestly it feels more dirty to leave them to the imagination but I am not trying to skirt rules here. If you know you know.
coming back to this because it's not accurate anymore (nor was it really all that accurate to begin with)

honestly, i don't do it because i sound weird cussing. also because every time i DO cuss, people always seem to make a huge deal out of it, which ends up embarrassing me and makes me not want to cuss at all.

although, i cuss A LOT in my mind. like a LOT. luckily i've learnt to keep them in there and not let them slip out :)