Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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Yes, its a good stress reliever, though I only do it when no one's around, gotta stay polite
All the time. I wish I can stop. But sometimes, it just feels better when you are swearing. Like when you are driving. "Get the **** out of my way, dumba$$" makes you feel better than just plain get out of the way, lol.

Having said all that, I never swear at people. I swear to myself (like answering emails) and with friends who are also swearing as venting. I just would never do that to stranger, like to their face. I've rarely faced rudeness or a situation where that was warranted.
I used to but I'm getting to where I feel it's a bit trashy, so I rarely cuss on facebook or in person, unless I'm mad.
I swear quite a bit, but I talk in gibberish a whole lot more--particularly around my guinea pigs XD
I don't swear much online and, when I do swear in one of my facebook statuses, I will hide it from my family. In real life I do sometimes, depending on who I'm with and how passionate/annoyed I am about something. This goes up to a lot when I drink alcohol. :p
i swear a LOT, i just try to refrain from doing it in front of people irl.
I do quite a bit
My dad is Irish and swears pretty much in every sentence so I grew up around it
I do all the time when I'm driving, other people stress me out SO MUCH! Even thinking about people not using their indicators and not looking where they're going is making me angry! I don't swear in front of little ones, or in public, but around friends and family I'll use 'mild' cussing I guess. I'd never say anything harsh in front of my family, I'm 29 and I think I'd die of shame if I said F*** in the company of my parents :p
Yup, my profanity surprises everyone because I'm small and the "goody type". My former teacher followed me on Twitter and he said that he was really surprised at my sailor mouth.
Uhh, a lot. Daughter of a sailor and I grew-up in a navy town. It's kind of in my blood.


I grew up in the company of bikers and felons. I know a lot of colorful words.

I really only use about 3 or 4 of them, but I use them a lot offline, whether or not I'm around other people. Two of them are just particularly fun to pair with every other word in the dictionary.

Honestly, I think the only people I don't swear in front of are my grandparents for obvious reasons.
My dad actually "yelled" at me (obviously, jokingly) once for saying "poops and giggles." "YOU'RE 21-YEARS-OLD, YOU CAN SAY ****S AND GIGGLES."
Whoa, Dad, calm down. If I'm 21, then you're entering the age group of heart attack territory.

Online, it comes up mostly for jokes. Like, in all-caps-sarcasm.
A LOT. Online and offline (because I write online as I would talk offline). Though I of course know how to stay polite in the right circumstances.
Yes, but only when I hurt myself with something or when i'm just very angry I swear at myself.
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Yes quite a lot, but i usually try to restrict it to casual conversations between friends and family. I don't really curse online unless i'm ranting/venting about stupid stuff.

also when i'm angry, but that just goes without saying.
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I do swear occasionally in real life for fun lol. I usually don't swear online. I know it's kinda weird.
I swear quite a bit in casual conversation, which tends to surprise people who don't know me well. Apparently I give a sweet/calm impression at first. I mostly use "s**t" and variants of "f**k" habitually around friends. I try to tone it down around my parents. I don't use swears to insult people; I definitely don't use slurs. It's pretty much just "f**k" and "s**t" for emphasis. I don't so much swear online unless I'm particularly pissed off. (but I will use shorthand like "omfg" or "jfc" when messaging friends, etc.)
Ohhhhh yes. I mostly swear around my friends, and on my personal Tumblr though. My parents are still really weary of me swearing around them, even though Im 21, but I think its because Im their child and they dont really want to hear that.

But other than that I dont swear around other family members, when Im around teachers, or if theres little kids around.
I occasionally use the b word when a little kid or person annoys me.
Bully? A lot of kids swear nowadays. They swear with the same mouth they use to say "mommy" and kiss their families.

A friend of mine swears a lot, but another doesn't swear at all because, according to him, he left the age and mentality of a 13 year old behind a long time ago.
I swear more than I should. I stopped forages then started again heh heh

- - - Post Merge - - -

Uhh, a lot. Daughter of a sailor and I grew-up in a navy town. It's kind of in my blood.

Tina... YOURE SCOTTISH YOU ALL SWEAR :p Hehehehhe sterotypes are fun don't hate me <3333
Yes, haha.

But should be said I'm not over serious when I do it, I'm mostly angry or annoyed. It's not like I mean it towards people so I think it's a bit overreacting from some people sometimes...
Yeah, I swear, quite a lot in honesty. I`m a bit of a negative person, so it comes naturally to me. I don`t swear for fun or for social gain (looking cool), thats just stupid.

But yes, I can`t stop focusing my view on whats wrong in my life/the world, instead of whats right. So thats a problem.

I don`t use really bad swearwords anyways, so its never a true problem. Never heard any complaints. (Maybe they are to scared, haha).