Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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a lot, but not in front of my parents. i refuse to curse in front of my parents and im not entirely sure why
Nope, Never.

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a lot, but not in front of my parents. i refuse to curse in front of my parents and im not entirely sure why

omg. I still be like 'ugh mom you would not believe what b-word came through today.' Idk why I just can't bring myself up to it :/
I have a really bad habit of swearing and not realizing it... the other day I was checking out the toys isle in Walmart (mostly for Magic cards, ngl) and saw something I used to like as a kid, turned to my boyfriend and VERY loudly (without realizing it), said "HOLY, **** I USED TO LOVE THAT **** AS A KID"
also, at work before too :rolleyes:
I swear quite a lot. My dad doesn't really care. I do wish I swore less
I only swear when I'm telling a story and I mentioned people who were jerks to me/family/friends or I know someone is lying. :p Or if I'm shocked or hurt myself by accident.
Yes.. A lot.. Every other word I think.

Never in front of my parents though..

Everyone else is a potential victim for my swearing..
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i was torn between A lot and EVERY F***ING WORD THAT COMES OUT OF ME IS VULGAR but then I remembered I censor myself around ppl like grandparents, and friends parents etc so I chose a lot.
I don't do it around any family members but I used to swear a lot around my friends but after one of them pointed it out, I censor myself now but I still swear a lot in my head.
i don't even realize when i'm doing it anymore tbh
i never use the word f*** i think its inappropriate
just kidding of course i do, i drop the f word in every sentence basically
I have a big potty mouth. And I swear in two languages sometimes. Mostly English, though.