Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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I do swear quite a lot in my daily life. I used to sound like a drunken sailor but I've been trying to slowly phase it out of my vocabulary. Not only is it not great for the relationships with the people around you but after a while, the words lose all meaning, so you need to go deeper. It's a vicious cycle.
i only really cuss online. if i do it irl, it's because i'm yelling at a game. i don't do it very often though
On here? Not really. I only swear on here if I'm mad and ranting about something in the What's Bothering You thread. Irl though? All the time lol. Mostly depends who I'm around though. I know some people online and offline who don't like it, so I won't use it around them. In my country swearing is just part of your regular vocabulary for most people, so it's not really offensive at all for me.
I try really hard not to on here cause I know it's a little younger of a demographic. (But I mean.. I started cussing at 13 so..) just makes me feel weird lol, also limit it around most of my family. My mom actually heard me drop the f-bomb though! I was moving a couch and it got suck and I bopped my tooth on it and let it out she was just like "are you okay" xD didn't even flinch about it I was surprised
Sometimes I DO ****ing swear!
rarely, i swear more in english than in swedish though and if i'm speaking swedish i will probably still use an english curse word because of Reasons idk
Yes, cussing is my second language unfortunately, it used to keep me sane but now it’s just an ugly bad habit... “two tears in a bucket, mother ____ it”.
**** yes i swear a lot! :cool: When I'm at home I don't because... well idk but my mom educated me that way. But once I'm out I swear a lot, both in french and english. I don't really swear on this site because it's censored and there's not really any occasion to.
But man my twitter is just, one swear AT LEAST per tweet
I used to never swear.
When I met my boyfriend for the very first time, he was shocked
that I would cencor every bad word in a song, when we were
playing karaoke. Like, I would not say a bad word or I would be
somewhat sad about myself for doing so, lol.

Well, nowadays I swear insanely much, it might be because
I became a very aggressive person (idk why honestly and it's annoying).
It's sad when I think about it, but I can't change it, even if
I try to. It just grew on me to swear. .-.
I can be very colorful with my speech offline... lol When I am online though, I try to avoid them to keep the content I post more focused unless I am ranting about something.
I've been swearing a decent amount lately so I'm trying to put a stop to it. I wanna sound more classy.~
I swear a lot online. I don't do it as much irl because obviously, I have to be careful where I do it. I can't swear in front of my family, for instance, because they'll chew me out, even if I am an adult at this point. If I'm just in my own casual space though, then yeah, I'll swear a lot.
i used to be very avidly against swearing at all, but now, how often i do it is unhealthy, both online and in real life. i've let swears slip in front of teachers before. luckily it hasn't landed me into any actual trouble yet, but i should still learn to be more careful.
I don’t swear in front of family or children, but I do have a colorful vocabulary around close friends and my boyfriend.
If you want to curse there’s nothing wrong with it as long as everyone around you is comfortable. If you don’t, don’t! I don’t think it’s okay to look down on people who do choose to curse because it definitely doesn’t make you sound stupid, it’s just a way to add emphasis to whatever you’re talking about.
Yes, excessively. I find the profession I'm in is kind of one big profanity party.
Yeah, I speak without a filter most of the time, but it's mostly about me cursing and not like hurting others.
If I'm with friends yeah, If I'm with family or at work I try to keep it to a minimum.
you know it man

but I should probably limit my usage, but no words are as versatile as sentence enhancers than swears