Do you swear?

Do you swear?

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OMG this choice made me laugh so hard XXXD
I definitely don't swear online but I do often offline, mostly because I rage easily XD
depends on if im with babies or not lol
as in i curse around ppl who are chill with it and dont around those who dislike it
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Oh yeah, I do swear sometimes, either in my thoughts or even out loud but then only at home.
I never swear online or offline, but sometimes in my thoughts or when certain things that just make me extremely angry
I swear sometimes but it depends on the situation. I try not to swear around my grandparents for example but with people you know are ok with it, I think it's fine. Also, some words are so tame that I probably wouldn't even consider it swearing unless you're bringing in the heavy artillery. I definitely swear a lot more offline than I do online. I guess it's just easier to take the time and choose your words when you're writing.
I swear because I like love God and I know God would like want me to like use the full vocabulary he made for us so like I swearing ur actually showing God more respect!!!!!!!
I swear extremely often but pretty much only with people I know well enough to know that they're comfortable with it. I'm really particular about being inclusive and making everyone comfortable so I generally don't swear much online unless I'm in a place where that's the norm if that makes sense lol
Yes, a lot, though I'm trying to cut down on it. Not always out of anger, but as they referred to them in that one Spongebob episode, as sentence enhancers. Probably won't ever fully stop and don't think I really need to, but it would be nice to bring it down a few notches.
I swear quite a lot irl. I don't swear on forums or anything, on social media with friends, though, it's the same as irl.
My body has been taken control by a drunken sailor who doesn't know the word stop. help ;-;
I cuss quite a bit but really only use it to emphasize. Though when I rant my inner New England comes out and I cuss every other word in a heavy Boston accent. I think I picked that up from watching hockey and being on the hockey forums too much.
I don?t think I swear a lot, no more than the usual adult. My mother has the mouth of a sailor and now that my brother is an adult he?s picked it up, it?s weird hearing him curse every other word.