Do you tend to use more than one device at a time?


Apr 28, 2022
Sautéed Mushrooms
I do it every now and then. Sometimes I like to listen to music on my phone's playlist while playing New Horizons because I'm getting a bit tired of the same old hourly music. ^_^" Also, there are times when I have my laptop or Switch on for one thing, then I switch to my phone for some time before I go back to the other device.

I wouldn't have minded this habit had it not been for my parents noticing. They already don't want me to use my devices too much because of their beliefs on how radiation from technology could fry your brain, so it's problematic once they see me on not one, but two devices at a time... Thanks to them, I sometimes feel uncomfortable doing it like this.
their beliefs on how radiation from technology could fry your brain
I feel like that’s only for mobile phones? Like the communication things? I dont know, I don’t think there’s actually any confirmation of this stuff scientifically.

Anyway, to answer your question, I sometimes have another device alongside my switch, like to look up a guide or something. I tend to just use one device at a time though because I get overwhelmed.
Oh and also, when I was in school, I would sometimes have my laptop open doing schoolwork and get distracted with my phone or something, I guess that counts as two devices at once 😅😂
I play podcasts on my phone if I'm doing something tedious in a video game. Like grinding or playing through a section I don't enjoy.

I did the confident in Persona 5 today which required fusing a ton of specific personas for the twin wardens. Which took several hours. Having something in the background made the process much less mind numbing.
Almost daily. I like keeping my phone open on Discord while playing games on handhelds or consoles and want to keep up with messages or servers. It’s definitely not healthy and shows I’m addicted to the app, but I can’t help but get antsy if I don’t do it.
Very frequently. I multitask a lot - I blame ADHD brain focusing on several different trains of thought at once.

At home: games console/TV, laptop, phone.

At work: desktop, phone.
i do, regularly. it's probably the adhd, since i have terrible focus and need to be watching a video when i'm playing any sort of game. so often i'll be on my 3DS/phone and watching a video on my pc, or playing a game on my pc and watching a video on my phone lol.
If I'm playing a video game and it's not my first playthrough of said game, I'm probably playing with the sound off and listening to something else. Podcast, music or a video on YouTube, or half-watching/half-listening to a stream on Twitch, whatever.
Immensely so! I'm usually on my computer with my 3DS/Switch/Phone at the ready. I'll be listening to an audiobook/watching a livestream and play a game or something so it makes some stuff a little less mundane.
It depends. I'm mostly just on my phone but if I am playing a game then I might be switching between the console and my phone to read messages or a walkthrough or something. Sometimes I might listen to music on my phone while playing a game, but usually I actually listen to the game.
Generally not, as I use headphones to listen to everything, so as to not bother others, and I can't have my headphones connected to two different devices, so in order to play a game on the Switch or other console while listening to music, audiobooks, podcasts, etc. I have to play the games without even volume at all and I don't like that.

This is one reason I have been taken to PC gaming so much recently as I can listen to both a game and music/podcasts/etc through the same device and thus same headphones! It's amazing.
I use more than one device all the time that people think I am weird.
For example I would usually be on my laptop while I am watching tv then also playing on my ipad or switch.
I have a hard time concentrating, so I usually don't like trying to do/focus on more than 1 thing at a time, which usually also means I don't use more than 1 device at a time.

I sometimes watch TV/something on my tablet or listen to music while I'm playing a game or doing art, though. Using more than 1 device at a time isn't something I want to make a habit of, but sometimes I want background noise or songs to sing along to while I do stuff. I'll also use my phone/tablet to chat with my friends while I'm playing a game with them on my Switch or tablet.
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Not really. Some games are easier to zone out like AC:NH. Especially if I don’t like the soundtrack.

However, recently I’ve been trying to avoid multitasking as much as possible when I’m at home.
My typical weekend nowadays involves me watching TV while playing animal crossing while being roasted in the group chat on my phone 😂

Tbf I usually roast them first
Usually 2 devices at a time, laptop and phone to listen to music, gaming consoles and phone to use Discord, TV for background noise and my laptop or phone. Sometimes 3 at a time, like gaming console, phone and laptop or TV, laptop and phone. The ADHD kicks in sometimes and I'll subconsciously pick up my phone lol
I rarely use my TV, but if I'm drawing on my iPad, I'll usually have something audio-visual in the background on my laptop, as well as my phone nearby for whatever reason. I wouldn't generally use more than two items at once, though.
It really depends on what the devices are. I'm not going to be using a computer/device to browse the internet while I am playing a game (unless I am stumped on something) but I will use a device to play music as a background while I play a game, browse something online, do some work outside ect)

As far as games go, watching a movie, show, or anything else if it's something I actually want to do I will give it most of my attention if not all.
i love listening to my spotify playlists on my phone while i game on my pc/ps5. really helps me to focus on the game better. <:
definitely. i used to do bulletin boards on nookazon for hours at a time, so i would always have my phone and my switch on. i also prefer to use my phone to have open a reference while i draw on my ipad as opposed to trying to split screen or attach the image in the canvas.