🌺Do you use an Animal Crossing Island planner/scrapbook? Or just look stuff up digitally?🌺


✨️Happy Holidays!!!✨️
Aug 1, 2020
Ghastly Lantern
Pumpkin Cupcake
Spooky Popcorn
Friendly Ghost Plush
Pumpkin Glow Wand
Candy Corn Halloweaster Egg
🌺Hi, I really love playing animal crossing but I find it difficult to remember certain tasks I need to do, which villager likes what color, how much is a certain bug or fish is worth, which photo from which villager am I still missing... the list goes on.

Yes, all these can be easily researched on the internet. I have several websites saved to reference but I get so annoyed by scrolling forever or stupid ads that get in the way to find the info I'm looking for.

To make my life easier I decided to get a planner. I checked etsy for animal crossing island planners but couldn't find one that did all I wanted to do. So I making my own island planner/scrapbook. 🌺

I was wondering if anyone else use a planner? Or prefer to have websites saved for reference?
i use the same app linked above. it can be slow to update after new items are dropped, but i don't particularly mind since i can usually keep track. i couldn't use a physical planner or anything because: a) i'd eventually run out of pages and have to buy another one which just feels wasteful to me, and b) i'd constantly have to get it out, along with a pen, and have it open somewhere, which i just don't have space for when playing. the app is more convenient for me. it's right in the palm of my hand and has 99% of the information i need just a few clicks away. the only thing i ever search up outside of it is a guide for redd's art, and the lists of items villagers love is really convenient. i also love that you can personalize your daily to-do list with little icons and task names.
I did this with NL, I listed the villagers I had and their personality type, to make sure I would get all the landmarks (don't remember the exact namefor them).

I also noted their preferred colour and type of items for gifting on their birthday.

With NH I feel there is less to keep track of, or maybe my play type is a bit more 'go with the flow'.

You could create a bullet journal based around Animal Crossing if you can't find a planner you like.
i personally prefer to use websites.

• for information such as items that i’m still missing from my catalog, villager photos that i have obtained, diys, new items and stuff like that, i use villagerdb.

• for information such as villagers’ favourite styles, colours and recommended gifts for them, i use nookplaza.

• for an art guide, i use polygon’s.

for any other information, i usually use the wiki or i’ll just google it! :)
I always use websites when I want to find something out about villagers or something to do with the game and mostly use the same ones mentioned by @xara as I find them useful and can easily and quickly find what I’m looking for.

I keep a number of lists on Villagerdb which include numerous DIYs, furniture items and clothing that I’m looking to find which keeps everything in one clear place and once I find things it can be easily removed. Also I like how on that website there are clear pictures of everything and how you obtain them which makes it easier to tell if it’s definitely something I want in my game.

Polygon I find is really helpful for art purchases as I’m awful at remembering what is fake so this is quick to just check when Redd is visiting to see what I should buy. I also keep a note on my phone on which pieces of art I’m missing so I know what to look for.

For most things about villagers I stick to the wiki to find out what they’re like and look at pictures of their homes. I no longer really search what kind of gifts they like though as I give nearly all my villagers wrapped fruit these days.
I only search up what clothing they'll like when it's their birthday or I'm in the mood to gift my villagers something cute. I only use nook.exchange to keep track of my catalog. I had a google doc to keep track of the diys but I have gotten all of them now so I only have to worry about the new ones they add.

I use my island journal on here to keep track of the villagers I've had on my island although it's a little out of date right now. I also take my villagers to Harv so I have their posters to keep track too in case I forget about someone. Except for Rocket who was my starter, I never took her to Harv's.
I mostly just Google things when I need help for things like hybrid breeding, landscaping, or Redd.

I use my gaming notebook for online trading orders, quick notes, and writing down steps to solve a problem. I did this when I was growing purple windflowers.
I just use an exercise book to jot down things I'm missing etc. I use the same one for all my games as I find it easier to check there.
I just use the acnh.guide app to track everything! Since it has villager info, a catalog tracker, a museum tracker, etc. You can even keep track of dailies and weekly visiting npcs if you want!
But I bet a physical planner would be extremely cute, especially if it’s in a bullet journal layout c:
I use various different websites for any guides I need. I have them all saved in a memo so I can get to them easy.

Timely, holiday, event or update stuff I use Animal Crossing World. I also use this website to look up villager exteriors.

I use nook.exchnage to look up furniture, it's variants and recipes

I use nook.plaza to see villager gift related stuff

I have a painting guide from JVGS

And finally nookipedia.wiki for villager hobbies

I also use alot of graphics of items as a check list to cross off as I collect them. For my island itself I literally draw out tje spaces on a grid paper so I can map out where general area go.
I tell myself I don't need to log anything, but then I forget stuff and wish that I had. I don't have an organised brain.

For island planning I just collect screenshots in my phone gallery for inspo. for anything else, it's a complete free-for-all.
I mostly just google things but occasionally take pen-and-paper notes; I keep them in the same place as my adventure game stuff :b
Sometimes it's helpful to remember things by writing them down.
I mostly just use google/forums for any questions I have, but writing stuff down in a little notebook is something I used to do for story of seasons games since there were so many requirements for various things ^^;
My island is made on the fly all of the time, so I'm just Googling things as I go. I suppose I'm a veryyyyy casual player in that regard! The one time I wrote down notes was the first time I did Toy Day in New Leaf. I liked tracking the villager toy requests at first.
I have to say, the ACNH app mentioned above is really exceptional.

It logs your catalog, recipes, fish/bugs, daily interactions, fossils, has all real/fake art, and is basically my go-to resource for this game. It even has filters where it shows which uncaught bugs/fish/sea creatures are available at that very minute.

(I have no affiliation with this app)
I like to go to random dream islands, have a look around, and take screenshots of random items and areas that give me ideas (Usually it's not much more than "This item goes well with that"). I do collect those in a folder for when I feel like decorating, so I suppose that could sort of count as a scrapbook. :)
I use a Acnh planner, I got it from Etsy not to long ago :)
but if you want to make your own it’s up to you
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🌺Hi, I really love playing animal crossing but I find it difficult to remember certain tasks I need to do, which villager likes what color, how much is a certain bug or fish is worth, which photo from which villager am I still missing... the list goes on.

Yes, all these can be easily researched on the internet. I have several websites saved to reference but I get so annoyed by scrolling forever or stupid ads that get in the way to find the info I'm looking for.

To make my life easier I decided to get a planner. I checked etsy for animal crossing island planners but couldn't find one that did all I wanted to do. So I making my own island planner/scrapbook. 🌺

I was wondering if anyone else use a planner? Or prefer to have websites saved for reference?
This is an amazing idea, and I'm definitely, at the very least, going to get a dedicated notebook for Villager details and other AC notes I need to make! Hopefully I can customise it a bit to make it AC themed.

At the moment, I've been scribbling (actual scribble) little notes on a random page in a random notebook.

I tried to make an excel page of clothes and furniture and colours, but it was taking too long without enough actual playing.

I prefer the idea to make my notes and keep info in a dedicated book as I go. 🥰

I would love to see pics of your planner/scrapbook when you're done!