Do you wish you were Amish?

Would you want to be Amish?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 4.3%
  • No

    Votes: 58 84.1%
  • I don't know

    Votes: 8 11.6%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
you've been posting a lot of amish stuff lately...

is there something u want to share with the class?
If I were Amish doesn't that mean I can't play videogames? Cause they have like zero electricity?

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Definitely not. I think industrialization has given me access to so many opportunities that would never be there if I decided to opt out of such a system. Admittedly I'm not too familiar with how the Amish operate since I don't live near any sizable population, but I have a general idea. If someone wants to live that way, more power to them. Do whatever makes you most satisfied. I would rather continue to use modern technology, as it has aided in allowing individuals to specialize in ways never before possible. Plus, I wouldn't want to stop interacting with online friends. Basically, I'm of the opinion that industrialization, especially the internet, has affected my life for the better. I have access to people and information that would either be much harder or basically impossible to find without it.

I didn't intend for this response to be so long. I'm sure most other people will answer no, considering this is an online forum.
No. As a historian, I quite like the ability to use technology and discover new things. That, and technology in general is such a useful asset.
No. While I do appreciate the idea of living a simple life, the Amish have too many religious and societal restrictions that don't suit me. If I were going to live a more natural, simplistic lifestyle, I would want to do so with the same freedoms I'm accustomed to now.

My family took a vacation many years ago to Pennsylvania and learned a lot about how they live. It's an interesting way of life, but not for me.
Amish people are friendly but honestly they smell bad. Definitely would never want to be amish.
I've met a few Amish people, they seem pretty nice. It's a lot of work though, and no internet ._.

So... no
I would actually. Just for a while though. Being Amish for a month would be interesting. Some things you just have to experience first hand.
I live around lots of Amish people and I have worked for them. Lancaster, Pennsylvania. No, I don't want to be Amish. I like the simple way they live, but their beliefs are... not good... I feel really bad for the women and children, especially.

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Kinda upset right now that I deleted the video of about 30 horse and buggies on their way home from church. Never saw that many at one time and was stuck on driving on that road for ages because I couldn't pass them, lol
I would not want to be Amish because I can't live without Wi-Fi internet access. I love the luxury of having a nice hot shower with the lights on. I would go crazy if I didn't have electricity to power my everyday devices that I use. So being Amish is a big NO for me.

Oh, and I almost forgot to post this funny song that's fitting for this thread

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No; most of my reasoning has already been explained in the thread, there is also some personal reasons as well. As someone who once lived in Pennsylvania, the Amish I have encountered were typically friendly and courteous.
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Honestly, no. I'm so used to the world around me as being technological and full of phones and wifi's and amounts of luxuries that it would be too much of a shift for me to handle. I hear they're nice people, but also how they treat females and often the kids should be frowned upon to say the least

It's intriguing how the chose to live, but it's not for all.