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Does "first part" equal Q1?


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I was rewatching the Nintendo Direct from Oct 25, and not only does Reggie say "early next year," he also says "first part" of next year. Taken together, I would expect that to be a Q1 release, because Q2 does not qualify as the "first part." Does this give us more hope for an earlier release?
I'm banking between February and March. The marketing just makes sense. The Wii U is Nintendo's big holiday money-printer (lol @ Justins gif). So shortly after the holidays we can expect another small gap, then Animal Crossing releasing. I also forsee Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon coming out roughly a month after Animal Crossing. AC fans and 3DS fans will be skipping up and down streets everywhere singing Tiny Tim songs. Okay maybe not, buh-yeah.
I think that will be them referring to the first quarter of next year, so January, February or March. I would probably put my hopes on March at the latest.
My opinion remains closer to the April-May time frame rather than Feburary-March. The reasoning behind this is I believe Luigi's Mansion 2 will release in that time frame instead of Animal Crossing. Luckily, it won't be long until we all know for sure!

(lol @ Justins gif)

I think it comes down to what Q1 means: first quarter of the year? (Jan-March) or first quarter of NoA's fiscal year? (April-June). I personally think it will probably be Q1 of the fiscal year that it's released. But I'm sure hoping I'm wrong and that it is released Q1 of the calendar year!
Why would you think Luigi's Mansion would be released before Animal Crossing when in the Nintendo Direct video, Reggie didn't mention anything about LM?
Why would you think Luigi's Mansion would be released before Animal Crossing when in the Nintendo Direct video, Reggie didn't mention anything about LM?

Here's two reasons:

1) Nintendo fully intended on releasing Luigi's Mansion in 2012 until recently. You can see at E3 2012 they were saying it was launching this holiday season. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqbpLhJgNSs)

It seems logical to me to release the game you planned on releasing in 2012 and fully announced for 2012 (Luigi's Mansion) earlier than the game you never said was coming to North America in 2012 not to mention completely ignored at E3 (Animal Crossing).

2) Later in the year, they specified that Luigi's Mansion is releasing in the "the first quarter of 2013" while only offering up "the first half of 2013" for Animal Crossing.


Put all the pieces together and in my opinion, it's blatantly obvious that Luigi's Mansion is coming first.
Here's two reasons:

1) Nintendo fully intended on releasing Luigi's Mansion in 2012 until recently. You can see at E3 2012 they were saying it was launching this holiday season. (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eqbpLhJgNSs)

It seems logical to me to release the game you planned on releasing in 2012 and fully announced for 2012 (Luigi's Mansion) earlier than the game you never said was coming to North America in 2012 not to mention completely ignored at E3 (Animal Crossing).

2) Later in the year, they specified that Luigi's Mansion is releasing in the "the first quarter of 2013" while only offering up "the first half of 2013" for Animal Crossing.


Put all the pieces together and in my opinion, it's blatantly obvious that Luigi's Mansion is coming first.

I don't know. If LM was coming out anywhere near the beginning of the year, I would have expected them to mention it in the Direct. It didn't even get an overview, unlike other looked for games. I think I am going to say the first part is going to be a Jan-March release, because as I said, anything later is no longer in the first part of the year. That isn't to say they are not going to push it back again, just a small light in the tunnel, something I really need right now.
I think they're going to push LM back in favor of New Leaf. New Leaf is one of the most sought after games coming out next year. And if I remember correctly, Nintendo had hinted that New Leaf would be coming out in 2012, hence why a lot of people were thinking holiday season 2012 would bring the game around.

Just wish they'd give us a release date already.
I don't know. If LM was coming out anywhere near the beginning of the year, I would have expected them to mention it in the Direct. It didn't even get an overview, unlike other looked for games. I think I am going to say the first part is going to be a Jan-March release, because as I said, anything later is no longer in the first part of the year. That isn't to say they are not going to push it back again, just a small light in the tunnel, something I really need right now.
That was my reasoning too. Just because Nintendo hadn't mentioned ACNL in E3 doesn't change the fact that the more recent video from Reggie talked about ACNL and not LM. I wouldn't be surprised if they pushed back LM for acnl either.
I don't know. If LM was coming out anywhere near the beginning of the year, I would have expected them to mention it in the Direct. It didn't even get an overview, unlike other looked for games.

Well, to that I would say they did that on purpose to avoid giving attention to the fact that Luigi's Mansion was quietly pushed back from the announced holiday timeframe. Also, it's not like the game hasn't been shown off to the North American audience a billion times already while New Leaf has been completely absent until now.

Also, I think people need to realize that Luigi's Mansion is still technically a Mario franchise game by many means and we all know by now that Mario games get priority frojm Nintendo.
I'll have to strongly disagree with Justin.

Someone on another forum got their Nintendo Power calendar for next year early and March's theme was Animal Crossing. Just more hints that it's coming in March.

Not to mention, 4-5 months into the year is kind of pushing it for "early" if you ask me. March is right at the end of Q1, which is early enough to be considered early in the year.
I know Nintendo wants America/Canada/Europe etc to all focus on the Wii U right now, but if they REALLY wanted to boost 3DS sales in these places.... ANIMAL CROSSING FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!

I'm just sayin.....
I wish they'd listen to you, Tamerwoody! :D

I know Nintendo wants America/Canada/Europe etc to all focus on the Wii U right now, but if they REALLY wanted to boost 3DS sales in these places.... ANIMAL CROSSING FOR CHRISTMAS!!!!

I'm just sayin.....
I have a feeling we're going to start seeing ACNL a lot beginning at the end of this month/January. I wish they'd narrow the release date down as much as they could.

Do you think the last issue of Nintendo Power (December 2012) will have any info for us in NA? Or was the last issue just dedicated to the ending of the magazine's run?
I have a feeling we're going to start seeing ACNL a lot beginning at the end of this month/January. I wish they'd narrow the release date down as much as they could.

Do you think the last issue of Nintendo Power (December 2012) will have any info for us in NA? Or was the last issue just dedicated to the ending of the magazine's run?

I hope you're right about seeing more of ACNL... They haven't been paying that much attention to it at all since it's been announced. :(

Not sure if it will have any information about it.. on the front cover it says "20 Page Wii U Review Spectacular".. hopefully it has SOME information about it in there! :(

(BTW, someone got their Nintendo Power calendar early and March's theme was Animal Crossing.. hoping this doesn't mean anything cause I want it as soon as possible)
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I hope we get some new infromation this month. It's December, after all and it's nearly 2013.

There will probably be a Nintendo Direct just after Christmas. Probably around the 27th. Whether it holds any Animal Crossing information is a different story but I'm fairly confident there will be one then.
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There will probably be a Nintendo Direct just after Christmas. Probably around the 27th. Whether it holds any Animal Crossing information is a different story but I'm fairly confident there will be one then.

yeah there should be a ND around then end of December

anyway, back to the calender.. Ive said this before, but remember the Spooky DLC series, it ended October 31st and I predicted we'd get it shortly after, and it got released in Japan 8 days later...
well. i'm gonna go ahead and say that calendar is another hint and we're getting it in March.

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