Cycling Dream Drop Dreamies - Currently: OFFLINE

Gigi is now a leaf on the wind~! Goodbye, Gigi~!

I will continue cycling another day! Maybe tomorrow. :) Thank you all for sticking around! I'm excited to see who moves out and pops up later! It's really fun cycling villagers for everyone. <3
Just wanted to let everyone know that I have updated/added rules~! I didn't think it would be right for me to edit and not announce that. :)

I'm hoping to cycle for a little bit at some point today and will edit the title accordingly!

im looking for merry if shes here

Merry was voided from Vagrant yesterday, I'm sorry. D: There is always a chance she will show up in Barkthin or Sector X though. :)
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Curently cycling VAGRANT and BARKTHIN~

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GOLDIE from Barkthin is in BOXES!!!


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Will leave her up for about 5 minutes and then I will send her to the VOID.

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Goldie is now a leaf on the wind~! Goodbye Goldie~!
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BREE has moved into BARKTHIN~!
She will be auto voided when she moves out unless someone wants her.


Also if anyone wants to chat with me on chatzy while I cycle, you are welcome too. I'm a little lonely. :p
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Please remove her out of AV also do you really hold villagers for like 5min? ._.
COBB from Vagrant will be in BOXES shortly~!!


Will leave him here for about 8-10 minutes. C:

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Cobb is now a leaf on the wind~ Goodbye, Cobb~! <3

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Please remove her out of AV also do you really hold villagers for like 5min? ._.

Bree will not be auto voided. :)
BELLA is moving into VAGRANT~!


It took way too long for a 9th villager to move in... ;-;

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Someone is leaving Barkthin~
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LOPEZ is moving~


First come, first serve. Having him as a dreamie gets top priority~ He is not in boxes for 3 days but I will be TTing him into boxes tomorrow for the lucky person. I'm leaving this here for the night to see if anyone is interested as I want to spend some time with my family. :)

Good night all and thank you for viewing my cycling thread. <3


PMing Hyunderland about Lopez~ Don't want to bump the thread until I am cycling. :)
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Doing some Cycling of VAGRANT for a couple hours~

I apologize that I have been away for so long. I've been lurking but hadn't found time to cycle~ While I was away, Boomer moved out of Vagrant by accident since I didn't have time to look at the town during the weekend. He never pinged me either. What a jerk. In his place, Baabara moved in.

I also hate to say this but Chrissy is no longer available from my main town. I won my main dreamie, Julian, in a cycling thread and out of desperation for a spot (had 10 villagers) VOIDed her. :( I didn't expect her to ping me~ But was kinda glad it wasn't Clay since I promised that villager to someone and would have been sad to miss out on Julian. XD...

Anyway...let the cycling commence!

✗ = AutoVOID (unless asked not to)

Current Villagers & Status:
Baabara ✗
Goose ✗
Chadder ✗
Bella ✗
Croque ✗
Chevre (Being gifted~)