Shop Dusty's Extra Steam Games - Requests are closed atm. :c

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Oh my gosh, To The Moon. ;-;
I'm saving up tbt right now to buy art for my dog that's passing away, otherwise I would love to buy it. I'll check back in soon if I can afford it!

I don't have much else to do with tbt at this point and I'm getting the games I want, so I'll get this for you.
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Need to remove a few things after all that, lol.

Spy Chameleon, To The Moon, and one copy of Contraption Maker have been sold (still one more of those).
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Do you have any horror games? c:

Yep! c:

Among the Sleep was just added yesterday. I love horror games, but apparently I can't handle being a wee little tot in a horror game. I haven't made it past the living room. Atmosphere. This has it. lol.

There's also Pineview Drive. Sounds cliche, the whole "old abandoned mansion" blah blah. But it actually looks pretty good. Another "walking simulator" type, though.

Still Life is a point and click, mystery/crime, horror-because-it's-spooky-and-gruesome type.

They Breathe is considered a horror game for the terrifying things you find in the water.

And, unlike the previous entries, Stalker: Clear Sky and Nosferatu are both horror fps.

Ah, thanks for the list! I'm going to look into Pineview Drive and get back to you.

Yeah, I played Among the Sleep a few months ago and it took me forever to get passed the living room because I was so scared haha. It's a great game though imo so it's worth it! :>
Ah, thanks for the list! I'm going to look into Pineview Drive and get back to you.

Yeah, I played Among the Sleep a few months ago and it took me forever to get passed the living room because I was so scared haha. It's a great game though imo so it's worth it! :>


And yesss. Thank goodness I'm not alone, haha. I actually ditched ATS for Outlast - at least then I knew my enemy. =p

Would you say if Magicka is worth it singleplayer?

Honestly, I couldn't really say. I only played it co-op with my dad for a few hours one night before we both decided it just wasn't for us.

My general opinion on games with co-op is that they're fun to play solo and co-op just makes it better.

It would really just depend on if you're looking for a co-op experience, or if you're looking for a new game that you could enjoy with or without friends.

....I'm sure that didn't help you at all, and I'm really sorry. :c
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