She sighed a little, but laughed. "Okay, okay. Let's get a dog."
Pieri started to jump around, "Yay! Yay! YAY!" Pieri went full child mode.
She sighed a little, but laughed. "Okay, okay. Let's get a dog."
She followed Pieri to the dog stand and paid money so Pieri could play.
"Hmm...I don't really know...Maybe I'll name him tomorrow." (Good Night, GTS.)"Well done, Pieri!" Jaiden cheered. "What're you gonna name it?"
She opened her eyes and saw a black and white cat in her face. (Yes Kaida is getting a companion) She screamed and fell off the bed. "Ouch, what are you doing?" She asked the cat, not excpecting an answer. The cat started to purr and rub up against her face. She sighed. "I guess I could keep you, maybe you can make me happy." She picked up the cat and held it in her arms, she sat on the bed looking away from everyone petting her new friend.
(Won't be back till 3 PM EST.)