"Sure." He said, quietly. "Where too first?"
Chrom barked.
Yay. He barked. I'd like some more info, please.
(goddammit sparro I'm tired AF)
Chrom barked, "Are we sure we should leave Pieri alone?" He said. As Pieri got on the bed and closed her eyes.
"You sure?" Chrom responded.
"Chrom. I can figure it out by myself if you want! Or I can stay with Pieri."
Pieri went to sleep and had a nightmare, Tsu appeared again, "Missed me?" Tsu said as he smacked Pieri. "What do you want from me?" Pieri asked Tsu. "Oh nothing really. Just your damn soul, Look at me. In your mind instead of in hell and Talking to you. It didn't work. The Time is TICKING! Miss Pieri. My clock won't tock because of your STUPID mind. I am the VERBAL MURDERER, Pieri. You? Just a weak, Little, Girl."
Pieri started to sweat uncontrollably.
"Hey, hey, hey hey, it's okay.[/S] I'll pay, you eat." He smiled.