Don't Need Words
He flew around her some more before flying down and landing beside Kaida. He turned into a human and layed down beside her.
Ririchiyo grabbed Pieri's arms and made her look down, at Ririchiyo. "Calm down. I don't know what's going on with you, but pull yourself together." Ririchiyo went on tippy-toes and looked firmly into Pieri's eyes.
(Did Aki get abused andlike Pieri?)Raped
Ririchiyo didn't know what to do, so she promptly slapped Pieri across the face. "Pull yourself together. You're a mess."
(In trapped he did.)
Pieri stopped shaking, Her eyes turned back to normal. "I-I'm sorry for that...My panic attacks get me..." Pieri turned around, grabbing a rock and turned it into a ruby. "It's just makes me mad and scared that people run away from there parents, My mother was the only one i had. My father was a...Let's say abusive."
- - - Post Merge - - -
(Oh, That roleplay with oxe clean man and that backfired and turned into a hellfire?)
Ririchiyo took a second to process all this information. "But... Why does that matter now?" She asked quietly.
(No, the one Magic Marshmallow made)
"It's not easy to just let go Riri. Seeing her stabbed in the stomach and more, I couldn't handle it. As for my dad, I couldn't forget that either." Pieri walked behind, Tripping on a rock. "Ahh!" Pieri hit her head on the ground, Sound asleep. (Going to sleep guys! EDIT: I'm gonna try to stay up. My eyes hurt tho"Why not just... Let go? Let go of those regrets and sadness. Because, your mother is likely doing just fine now. Just, erm, up in the sky." Ririchiyo hesitated, not being very familiar with the idea of heaven. "And your dad... Will likely be in a place worse than hell."