The reason i picked that song was because the lyrics)
(I picked this song for the lyrics.
Even when you want to live in this world,
there aren't any kind knives
I hide behind bandages of fear
Pawing at the ground, all of the light
sinks into hope and despair
Without hesitating, it casts a shadow
It's not the Tragic Hero that's been captured
Who do I turn to? Those eyes? those feet?
The beauty of it violates you
Surely you'll be kind in the morning
there aren't any kind knives
I hide behind bandages of fear
Pawing at the ground, all of the light
sinks into hope and despair
Without hesitating, it casts a shadow
It's not the Tragic Hero that's been captured
Who do I turn to? Those eyes? those feet?
The beauty of it violates you
Surely you'll be kind in the morning