Events & Collectibles General Discussion

2017 fair threads cover up a good chunk of the top half of the bulletin board's second page

and maybe, though nobody can really say (unless staff, then they won't say). I suppose the biggest factor would be how much the staff want to wait for the activity spike that should come with ac switch's release. if they really want that spike, then they may opt to skip this year too. unless they make it a winter event again, occurring around/shortly after ac switch releases

personally, I'm hoping it comes back this year. since I feel its possibly one of, if not the best event for making the collectibles market less stagnant

also, it's just a very fun and creative event as well, even with its hiccups and slight frustrations that happen plus I need stuff of actual value to sell for the galaxy and disco ball eggs

also the last fair before 2013's was back in 2005, per jeremy's announcement of the 2013 fair
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The fair is a lot of fun but it's also an absurd amount of work to be frank.

We haven't made any decisions yet, but I would say it's true that the timing of AC Switch (which is still a fairly big unknown, guesstimates aside) could have an impact on it. Besides the obvious matter of not wanting it to coincide with the release probably, there are just in general a lot of various improvements around the forum outside of events that we would like to work on and take care of before the impending rush of new members arrives. It's difficult to work on and get non-event things done around the site if we're always focused on the next event, especially if it's something as massive as the Fair.
The fair is a lot of fun but it's also an absurd amount of work to be frank.

We haven't made any decisions yet, but I would say it's true that the timing of AC Switch (which is still a fairly big unknown, guesstimates aside) could have an impact on it. Besides the obvious matter of not wanting it to coincide with the release probably, there are just in general a lot of various improvements around the forum outside of events that we would like to work on and take care of before the impending rush of new members arrives. It's difficult to work on and get non-event things done around the site if we're always focused on the next event, especially if it's something as massive as the Fair.

can you take me up on my tbt carnival (mini-fair, basically) event idea in that case?
even better news: ticket distribution is handled manually by the staff, and thus not automatic

so they may or may not come at a convenient time for you
even better news: ticket distribution is handled manually by the staff, and thus not automatic

so they may or may not come at a convenient time for you

Heck no! I really want that black feather....
i really wonder if they should do a thing where you pay money to get bells XD
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well also, not fair related, but while I do understand why it's kept under wraps, I do really wish we had some hints as to the behind-the-scenes workings on forum improvements

if only because I'm interested if any fall in line with some stuff I've thought of in the past that I'd personally like to see
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