Events & Collectibles General Discussion

I'm just sad I joined the forum way too late. I had been lurking here for well before the Pok?mon Week, but only joined just when the Christmas event ended. So I'd be really happy with a new chance to get one, since I'm not too optimistic about getting one anytime soon.. Hopefully Easter brings new possibilities in terms of trading for one :) I've been looking at the clues of the previous editions.. I'm scared! ;)
I'm just sad I joined the forum way too late. I had been lurking here for well before the Pok?mon Week, but only joined just when the Christmas event ended. So I'd be really happy with a new chance to get one, since I'm not too optimistic about getting one anytime soon.. Hopefully Easter brings new possibilities in terms of trading for one :) I've been looking at the clues of the previous editions.. I'm scared! ;)

I think a lot of us have regrets in regards to collectibles (missed opportunities, being inactive at the wrong time, etc.), I know I still regret not caring for collectibles sooner because I have been around a lot longer than most of the active members currently... lol If I had known better, I would have gotten into collectibles back then and possibly have some of the unicorn rare ones (like the Weird Doll if the stars crossed just right and I somehow found a stupid amount of luck)! xD Additionally, I went inactive for a little bit so I missed out on other opportunities like the last 2 TBT Fairs so it has been very interesting learning the collectible market the past 6 months or so and catching up on everything (knowing the value of things, what is hard to find, etc.)! :)

Hopefully, Easter will land you an awesome opportunity my friend and you will be able to land yourself a Love Ball! :D I wish you the best of luck on this quest! :)
i find it funny cause i had joined waaaaaya back, but for some reasons, the stars aligned tk urge me back on to tbt JUST as the pokemom event started (like, i believe a few before the event went up)
at that point, i usually dont join events since everything would be a ???? by then(and i rmbr there were others events(?) during pkmn wk i didnt even join) but the moon/love ball event is PARTICULAR was a draw smthing event which was a perfect opportunity cause i needed to wind down after working on a comm
I think I found out this site existed in 2011 but didn't join until 2015?? I could have gotten my own Yoshi eggs and balloons smh
Had I not been a dumb dumb and forgot my password or username for this site back when I TRIED to join in March of last year, I probably have my own eggs and other neat rare collectebles.

I also wish I had joined earlier for other events. I had been playing ACNL religiously ever since release date, but I never thought about joining a forum until last year.
honestly, my biggest one is probably skipping the prize pack for the 2014 fair, given the post-fair mini-event people who got them had (along with the collectible prizes it gave)

yay for me being extra cautious about giving my mailing address out, I guess

also, low-key salty about skipping the fire festival (I was either too busy or just not in the mood at the time, idr) due to thinking they would rerun it at a later point

and lastly, I could say something about the weird doll, but I legit don't even remember if I ever even tried to get or not

also, as a side note, looking at the fire festival contest winners, it's quite something to see how vastly b3n has improved as an artist since then
honestly, my biggest one is probably skipping the prize pack for the 2014 fair, given the post-fair mini-event people who got them had (along with the collectible prizes it gave)

yay for me being extra cautious about giving my mailing address out, I guess

also, low-key salty about skipping the fire festival (I was either too busy or just not in the mood at the time, idr) due to thinking they would rerun it at a later point

and lastly, I could say something about the weird doll, but I legit don't even remember if I ever even tried to get or not

also, as a side note, looking at the fire festival contest winners, it's quite something to see how vastly b3n has improved as an artist since then

:eek: Thanks Lambda! I've still got all 3 of my pictures I've ever entered in art contests in tbt framed next to each other so it's pretty cool to see I think

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I kinda wanna redraw my first one to see what it would look like now

edit: to stay on topic, theres been a few events I wish I'd tried more/participated in too. Most recently being Christmas, missed out on gold candies and stuff cause I was lazy
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I kinda wanna redraw my first one to see what it would look like now

oh, I love seeing then vs now art comparisons

also, holding out hope that the gold candy gets a rerelease this year. ended up skipping it myself, just because I *really* wanted that frost egg
you've heard of the final boss feather. now make way for the hidden ultimate boss feather

speakin of fake collectibles
i s2g we ask for a bunny balloon n this will b what theyll giv us
note: wow that is Bige
Bunny balloons for easter!!

You guys, in between all the Sakura love <3, can I just quickly bring this one up again and remind everyone that this now means there's actually a good chance these could also become reality for Easter?
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You guys, in between all the Sakura love <3, can I just quickly bring this one up again and remind everyone that this now means there's really a good chance these could also become reality for Easter?

That would be really cool for sure, we will have to see how your prophesying works out! ;)
ok so they have done kaleidoclovers and now sakurapops, both pocket camp currency, so by that logic.... let's hope next months event currency is bunny balloons
ok so they have done kaleidoclovers and now sakurapops, both pocket camp currency, so by that logic.... let's hope next months event currency is bunny balloons

Easter is this month though, don't think next months currency will be Easter related when Easter is this month : (

Maybe an Easter Egg collectible based on the Egg we have to hunt for in the future Gyroidite event?

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Nevermind ignore that suggestion, the egg from the Gyroidite event is boring as hell