Logged in today and had a bit of a fright when I didn't see my collectibles. Then I realized all my lovely Christmas Lights had expired.
The backdrop did look really beautiful without a lineup covering things up, though. So I took a screenshot for posterity. My current lineup features all 4 team star fragments and some of my favorite winter-esque night sky collectibles.
Now that the Moon Bunny Star Fragment is tradable, I now call this lineup "I am waiting patiently and coping for the night sky scenery or another star fragment"
I’ve been making daily heart eyes at this lineup in my lineups Google Doc for the past few weeks, so I’m very excited that the MB frags became giftable today and that I can finally display this beautiful lineup!! I really threw the purple in there just because hehe. I was lowkey worried that I would like this lineup more in the Google Doc, but I actually really love it!
I have many more lineup ideas up my sleeve, so I’ll probably be back here soon!
This is the lineup I've come up with using some of the holiday event collectibles! Just a couple of trains going through a snowstorm with some things shining in the night sky.
Thanks to my lovely friends, I have a silly space whale/turnip lineup that doesn't make much sense, but I love it all the same! Forever grateful for Rosie's amazing art which ties it all together!
Put these collectibles together just to see which ones matched in aesthetic, and it turns out they all have this color palette that feels interesting, colorful, and shiny without any pinks or oranges. I LOVE the way they're all glowing together and no background repeat!!
This lineup also feels... sciency? to me? It somehow matches my new profile picture perfectly but its like outerspace, dinos and crystals, etc. IDK It just feels like the Big Bang as a lineup lol. I'm obsessed.