Explain your lineup thread

A bit of a tiny adjustment to my usual lineup. Replacing the night sky scenery with the flower glow wand this time. (Still waiting for another chance on obtaining the blue star fragment or a blue collectible in general.)
Still experimenting with different lineup formats! I went with matchy backgrounds in the middle and crisscrossed matches on the ends, with a purple/green/blue/pink theme overall to match with the rest of my current aesthetic. I also love how well the Purple Violets match with the purple flowers in my signature aaaaaa


The color scheme is so eye-catching! 🤩
Happy March! It's the start of a new month, and therefore it's time to switch up my aesthetic to something springy and summery, munchy and rather crunchy~ one day, Li'l Ears made himself a healthy salad. It was filled with leafy greens and juicy apple slices, ingredients fresh from the garden, but when he wasn't looking, some bugs decided to help themselves to his salad...his poor, poor salad now covered in bugs, and if you look closely, two adorable guests! 🍏🍎 maybe next time Li'l Ears will remember to keep the garden gate closed!

I only had this lineup for a moment, but I still wanted to post it here to memorialize it! 💗 A lovely friend let me hold their heart wand for a moment to soothe my regret about trading mine, and I finally got to try out one of my lineup ideas I came up with a while ago!

I try not to come up with lineup ideas with collectibles I don’t own, but the heart wand is so majestic that I couldn’t help but play around with her a few months back, just for fun! This is one of my simpler ideas, but I still think it’s pretty! The birthstones are so so pretty and I feel bad that I don’t use them more often, and I adore the wands (and ofc the plushies 🫶🏻), so I wanted to make a lineup with the 3 of them together! I also love that this lineup makes use of 3 of my special birthstones— the Turquoise is my mama’s birthstone, coincidentally bought on her 46th birthday in 2013. The Sapphire is my best friend’s birthstone, which I bought on his 20th birthday in 2021. And lastly, the Ruby is my late kittens’ birthstone, which I bought on what would have been their first birthday.

Very grateful to my friend for letting me hold their wand (if you’re reading this, ty again ily!!). It was fun having a heart wand in my possession again, albeit briefly!

LET'S GO! I got one of my dream collectibles and a kickass lineup to go with it. 😭🖤

Edit: I got really excited about posting this, I forgot to put an explanation. It's about the same lineup I've posted previously, except the Tetris Grid is replaced by the Wix Candy.

I also have this mini lineup of black, white, and purple.~
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So, I feel I have a lot to learn in The Art of the Lineup. But I saw the crescent moon egg and I really wanted to use it. I also feel the Astral Inner Planet Floating Gold #10 is underused, underrated. So I'm trying this out. Trying to go for a semi-blue, semi-pastel vibe. (edit: and gold, of course)

Is it a little jank? Yes. Do I like it? Also yes. I'm working with what I got. My lineup powers will refine as I learn (and collect) more.

Screenshot 2024-03-06 at 9.20.31 AM.png
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I know the Farewell to New Leaf Online event isn’t a team event, but I still wanted to sport a green (and blue lol) lineup to support the pears!! 🍐🎉💚

I came up with this lineup eons ago and have been dying for an opportunity to use it, and I’m so glad that the day has finally come!! I think everything about this lineup is so pastel and cute! I love the eggs, I love the gorgeous birthstones, and I ofc love my little dino!!

This is definitely one of my more simple lineups, but I think it’s also one of my faves! 🫶🏻

Right when I thought I was done displaying my turnip lineup, the staff bring back more turnips! 😭 Back to turnips and whales I guess (now with more turnip and less whale)!
(with forever gratitude to @/k o i for my cute matching avatar 🥺💗💗)

New and improved:

Also, because I never got to post it before changing it!
Do you count sheep or space whales to get to sleep at night? 😴🐏🌙