
Doctor Who!!!! Yes! Allons-y! I'm still uncertain about the new Doctor, mostly because I really haven't seen his work. I'm going to be quite amused to see him go from 11 to 12. And ~DON'T JUDGE ME~ but I hope Clara is gone soon. She's not really doing it for me. Her "scattered all around the universe for the Doctor" is sooooOoOOoOoO not believable.


Because I can. And this thread is destined for hell.

According to mathematics, Pony = Fandom. Therefore Fandom is Magic and Friendship is Fandom. If you add the two equations together, you obtain Fandom is Magic/Friendship is Fandom. Then times the top and bottom by Friendship is Fandom, you get Friendship is Fandom+Fandom is Magic/Friendship is fandom?. From here, you square root the whole thing to get Friendship is Magic and is a Fandom so bite me.
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Good lord, not even the Animal Crossing forums are safe anymore. I've lost all hope for this world and humanity.
OMG! More Doctor Who fans!!! I am a part of many Fandoms, such as: Doctor Who, Sherlock, Marvel (ALL OF IT!), Supernatural, Star Wars, TES (Finally got the computer at my boyfriend's back for playing Skyrim!) and Pokemon.

I'm really looking forward to Capaldi being the Doctor, I haven't seen him in many shows he's been in but his face just has that slightly alien look to it (Like Matt Smith) and from what I've heard of his acting skills I am expecting much from him!

I am so excited about Thor; The Dark World, they released the new trailer yesterday and it looks so amazing! I've got the two part comic prelude on my Kindle Fire and I've been reading that non-stop as well as the Young Avengers comic series. (If anyone has a Kindle and wants to read comics, since Marvel comics aren't on the Amazon store, I recommend downloading ComiXology it's free to download but you have to pay for the comics, though they have lots of free comics too!)

I think I'll be frequenting this thread now! :D
I'm also part of the Glee fandom, in which we all hate the show. Glee: The only fandom where the audience hates the source.
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Because I can. And this thread is destined for hell.

According to mathematics, Pony = Fandom. Therefore Fandom is Magic and Friendship is Fandom. If you add the two equations together, you obtain Fandom is Magic/Friendship is Fandom. Then times the top and bottom by Friendship is Fandom, you get Friendship is Fandom+Fandom is Magic/Friendship is fandom?. From here, you square root the whole thing to get Friendship is Magic and is a Fandom so bite me.

I'm also part of the Glee fandom, in which we all hate the show. Glee: The only fandom where the audience hates the source.

You really DON'T have to be rude and snarky. If all you're gonna do is complain and hate on things, just don't post! It's not like it's killing you
You really DON'T have to be rude and snarky. If all you're gonna do is complain and hate on things, just don't post! It's not like it's killing you

He's really not the only one in the Glee fandom. He didn't even start the thread, there's much more to say that to :)