I am only a level 11 Adept Paladin; I feel like I'm nowhere compared to you guys.

I think it's clear leveling up as a Paladin isn't the quickest way there is.
And please excuse me while I try to stop laughing at having been challenged to defeat the Napdragon.
I wish the game was a bit clearer about the skills, though. As a Paladin I can do some kind of spinning attack that I have no idea what it's called. I can do some kind of Lightning attack and I've been told I can do the Luminaire attack now but I have NO idea
how to do this one. I know you can't do the Lightning one if you have equipped a shield, but I can't figure out how to do the Luminaire one.
Out of curiousity is anyone gonna be getting the dlc for about ?7?
I might get it, but I have a feeling it's going to be a while before I reach level 50, so... Though not all the DLC is locked until you reach level 50; you can already have a bird or dragon as a pet and features such as the character customization are also already available.
I'd love to get on-line with someone, but we're going to have to figure out when would be a good time. It's almost 10 PM here so I'm going to bed; I have to work tomorrow morning.

But if anyone else tries the multi-player, let us know how it goes!
Also, for those fighting "bigger" monsters and getting bounties; keep in mind that you can only have three bounties at the same time. You can leave a bounty somewhere and come back for it later, but if you have already three bounties and you get a fourth one, then the oldest one disappears.
And also; monsters will try to destroy your bounty so make sure you place it somewhere safe (or avoid fighting more than one monster at the same time because they tend to ignore you and go attack the bounty instead). I had two bounties today I wanted to come back for later and I put them behind a saving crystal; that seems to be the one area where no monsters appear and is thus "safe". There are several bounty clerks in the game, though, but it's a matter of remembering where they are. Which can be hard since the areas are so big...