I stopped eating fast food due to health issues. Didn’t eat it too often either way but it was good if I don’t feel like making something lol. I live in California and I really miss eating at In-N-Out!!
Fast food is fine, but I don't eat it all the time. It's more of a "I don't care where my food is coming from I'm just hungry" kinda mood. I have pretty low expectations but most of the time it's fine.
I love fast food, but I think it's kind of evil tbh. lmao It's just way too unhealthy, addicting, costs too much money, and it's way too convenient. It's basically a recipe for disaster for our society. I think it causes a lot of people to have an unhealthy relationship with food, and it's the reason why a lot of us including myself never learned how to eat healthy growing up. Don't get me wrong, I still love it. But really it should be utilized once in awhile, and not an everyday occurrence.
I love fast food, not all kinds of fast food of course, but there are some places I used to frequent a lot. I love eating at In-N-Out so much!!! It's so cheap but really tasty in my opinion. My least favorite fast food would definitely have to be El Pollo Loco, their food just doesn't' taste good to me haha.
I'm really glad that I've cut down on eating out though! I've been cooking a lot more for my boyfriend and I at home as well as saving a ton of money compared to spending it out at fast food restaurants. The only times we eat out now is when we hang out with friends and they want to eat out haha
I like fast food. Sometimes it grosses me out, but I'm generally always happy to have it. Recently though I've been cutting back a lot (I didn't really eat it a lot before though lol) so I maybe get it once or twice a month? I go to Whole Foods/Trader Joe's and get either hot bar or a prepared meal more often, maybe once a week.
I do loooove Popeye's, In-n-Out, and when I'm feeling cheap, Taco Bell. I KNOW Taco Bell is lw gross but it's so cheap!! I can fill up on two bean/rice/frito burritos and some water for 2 bucks. Can't beat it.