Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Okay, so was moving forward to set myself up for the morning, and one hopped into boxes... so figured I would put her on for tonight, and if no one claims her, she can spend the night in boxes, and I will offer her again in morning....soo........

Mitzi the Cat is now available, if you have an open slot, and would like to adopt Mitzi...please post... I am only going to give this about ten minutes and then sign off for tonight...then be back with Mitzi in morning ....
heading over now

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eeek i think i need to time travel one day forward to get here. Agent S just moved out today. Could you wait or do you want to give her to someone else?
ok getting back over

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Thank you sooo soo much for letting me get her and waiting.

So to get back to normal time do i have to go foward a day and back two?
I would make sure to walk around and talk to each one... then just go back the one... then walk around again... and its all good...

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Okay, now I am set up for Morning...

Papi the horse is now available, if someone posts in the next few moments I will let him be adopted tonight, but otherwise will be on approx. 4 A.M. Mountain Time, to see if anyone is on that would want him... If you have an open slot and want Papi, let me know... he will be given a last call in the morning prior to me getting ready to go to class....

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Good Night... see you all in the morning...Happy Trading...:)
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Well its morning... Papi is still in boxes....if anyone is looking for him, please post... I am not up and moving yet... so will give a last call once I am ready to cycle one before school.... (algebra class)... then will cycle periodically throughout the day as "real life" allows...:)
SliceAndDice add me, I will start up my DS, add you and open my gates...:)

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added you now, and opening my gates ...
I will be a tad slower as I am watching the end of the movie "Ringu" that I started last night, it has subtitles so it slows me a bit...beside the fact its super scary...:)

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You are very Welcome...:)