Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Aerys I am pretty sure I have you added, so will just open my gates...Thanks

- - - Post Merge - - -

Gwen has been adopted...Thank you
If Miss Renee doesn't come in time before you start cycling for her, I'll hold onto Bubbles for her.
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I am truly hoping she jumps on anytime now... She is two hours ahead of me in time zones I believe, so she must be a late (must be nice, I am an insomniac). I have to leave for school in about half an hour, class will take approx. one hour in total. I hope she is at least up and on by the time I return or I will take you up on that Hyogo...Thank you
Hyogo, if you would like to take Bubbles for Miss Renee I would appreciate it, and I know she would... I am sure she is going to come on soon and I am going to regret this, but I have sat idle too long already...:)
Awesome, I'll work on getting her to boxes for Miss Renee.
Sheldon the Squirrel is now available, if you would like Sheldon, and have an open slot, please post.
I will hold Sheldon approx. ten minutes or so....

Also... If anyone is looking for Hamphrey teh Hamster... my son's game (he plays in real time)... his darling hamster is in boxes... he is not a happy camper as he really like him... if anyone is looking for Hamphrey, please post... he was sleeping when my son checked, but I am sure he is up by now... Post for Hamphrey too.... :) (his fc code will be different than mine)
Last call for Sheldon...however....

If anyone is looking for Hamphrey teh Hamster... my son's game (he plays in real time)... his darling hamster is in boxes... he is not a happy camper as he really like him... if anyone is looking for Hamphrey, please post... he was sleeping when my son checked, but I am sure he is up by now... Post for Hamphrey too.... (his fc code will be different than mine)... I need to find Hamphrey a home today...:)
Bubbles should be up for moving hopefully soon.

Hopefully she won't take too long.
Celia the Eagle is now available... if you would like Celia and have an open slot, Please post....She will be held about ten minutes before I start back to cycling...

Hamphrey the Hamster is adopted...:)
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