Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Hamphrey the Hamster is now available, if you would like to adopt him, and have an open slot, please post...
Giving Hamphrey approx. 10 minutes....Thank you

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They have it on netflix, but also you can watch it through Amazon for like a dollar ninety nine... it really is worth the watch...

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Oh how I wish EdIwin was on...grrrrr
Is this the same Hamphrey as in your son's real time town? I had hoped I had a bit more time to make room in my town for him...
No he had Hamphrey... and his Hamphrey got
I got Hamphrey in my cycle town, but unfortunately he cannot adopt him back until he cycles through 16 villagers, my son does not TT and plays in real time, so that could take forever...

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So, I am assuming you don't have room? Let me know, because his time is officially up... going to cycle on...

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Last Call...cycling on...
So did Vlad give you his move out day? If so just go straight to that day...and offer him up... or go one day past and its all good...
Thank you, Portabella, for waiting as long as you did. You're very gracious for giving away all these cuties and I regret making you pause by asking for more info about Hamphrey even though I wasn't ready. Even though it didn't work out this time I'm sure I'll get to pinch those grouchy, hamster cheeks one day. <3

(And this is my main town so I've been doing my best to maintain a good relationship with my villagers as I move forward in time. Of course when I'm in a hurry is exactly when Julian asks for signatures!)
Now you made me laugh.... they time those petitions don't

Joey the Duck is now available (this lil guy is cute) ...If you would like Joey and have an empty slot, please post...Thank you
I will give lil Joey approx. Ten minutes...

Joey is in adoption process... will be cycling on
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Curlos the Sheep is now available... if you would like to adopt Curlos and have an open slot...please post...
I am giving Curlos about ten minutes or so....
Took a break to take out my dogs and run them...omg HYPER....
Curlos is headed to the void....
Cycling on....
Beau the Lazy Deer is now available for adoption, if you would like him, and have an open slot...Please post....
Giving Beau approx. ten minutes
I am going to go at a slower pace now as real life is distracting...:)
I'm looking for a wolf character,
if any show up in the next few hours can i grab them?

I'll be lurking for the next 3 hours. /creeps