Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Cranston the Lazy Ostrich is available, if you have an open slot and would like to adopt Cranston, please post...
I will be giving Cranston approx. ten minutes....

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Last call going out for Cranston
Maple the cub is now up for adoption, if you would like to adopt and have a open slot, please post.
I am not going to guarantee anymore tonight, I might get some, or one or two...but might not, I am getting

Maple has approx... ten minutes...
I have seen Rasher in my campsite, but never in town yet...

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Opalwhisker please add me, I will add you and open my gates...:)

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Maple has been adopted...:)
Flora the Peppy Ostrich (flamingo) is now available...If you would like to adopt Flora and have an open slot, please post.....
Golden3DSGamer add me, and I will add you and open my gate... (I don't particularly care for the Ostriches, but I do believe when I turn my cycle town into a town, Flora will be one of my dreamies, she is gorgeous)
Annalise the horse is now available (second time around in last two days)... If you would like Annalise and have an open slot please post... If no one takes her in the next ten minutes, I am going to go to sleep with her in boxes and give her a last call in the morning...:)
Pippy the Rabbit is now available, if you have an empty slot and would like to adopt Pippy ...Please post
Pippy will be held approx. ten minutes...Thank you
Hound00med add me, I will add you and open my gates, town name is Banana

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gate is open

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Pippy is adopted...Thank you
Ed the horse is now available, if you would like to adopt Ed and have an open slot, please post.
Ed will be held for approx. Ten minutes give or take....
Ahh, this is great. I have two spots so I'm just gunna sit on this forum for an hour or so eue;