Giveaway Fast Villager Cycling, check often...I hold them for 15 minutes or less...Poncho

Wow, I got here just as a popular villager was posted. I could be mean and say I want her, but no. :p

EDIT: I stand corrected. Next time, just type, "ME!" *takes notes*
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Gate is open

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Time for dinner, then might just get one or two more if I don't get too tired...
Tutu the Peppy Bear is now available, if you would like Tutu and you have an open slot... Please post...Thank you
Portabella, how has your search for your/your friends'/your family's dreamies been going?
You've been fufilling wishes here, and it's awesome, but I hope you've at least made progress on your own search, since that's the reason you're doing this D:
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In a week have found two for my kids, one for me, and two for friends... That is all... the search is amazingly time
But I will find them all...yup... bad part is in two cases they are two deep... not sure I am going to fulfill them all unless I get lucky and they come through a second time...:)

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I think Tutu is being sent off into the light...:)

trying to get one or two more tonight...but now just taking them one at a time... when I get tired, I am done...
Algebra class early in the must get a good nights sleep tonight...
Back to cycling...
D: I hope they start popping up soon D:

And ugh Algebra. Or math in general DX
In a week have found two for my kids, one for me, and two for friends... That is all... the search is amazingly time
But I will find them all...yup... bad part is in two cases they are two deep... not sure I am going to fulfill them all unless I get lucky and they come through a second time...:)

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I think Tutu is being sent off into the light...:)

trying to get one or two more tonight...but now just taking them one at a time... when I get tired, I am done...
Algebra class early in the must get a good nights sleep tonight...
Back to cycling...

Who are you looking for for yourself?
I got my last one for my main town today... Kiki... Once I am done with cycling, then I will be searching to fill my cycle town, but that will be down the road...

Paula the Uchi Bear is available at this time, If you would like Paula and you have an open slot, Please post...
I am only going to give Paula about ten minutes as I don't think she is that popular...:)
Can you tell me how youre cycling them so quickly? :/ I thought just TT'ing a month or two would get new villagers but they are resistant to leaving.
I pick a my case its July 4th, I start on that date... then i quit and save... I go to July 6th... quit and save, then within two days the game generates me a ninth villager, every day when I walk out of my house I check my campground, if a good one I import them, if not, I don't... once I have a ninth villager in the game, I just go day by day. I step out of house, walk to campsite, if empty I quit and save, if full I check, if good import, if not quit and save, then go forward, I never make it past the 18th of July, I have one leaving. Then once they leave... I quit and save. I go back to July 4th and start over...:)

Oh and I tried it, I traveled two years in one leap, same villagers, only way to get rid of them is to tt them out one by one.. or reset...
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Sorry Miss Renee....:(

Rodney the Smug Hamster is now available... If you have an open slot and would like Rodney ...please post...