Favorite Expensive Collectible

Which one is your favorite?

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I love the Silver Star Wand so much! It’s so tempting, but if I chose to buy it, I wouldn’t be able to afford anything else 😖 Plus the completionist in me would be upset I don’t have the full imposter wand set… right now I can just delude myself into thinking the imposters don’t count toward completing my glow wand collection 😅
Inky! I absolutely love the original three arcade character collectibles. If I end up spending all my Throwback Tickets on a collectible for myself instead of trading, it will probably be for this reason.

I like the star wands as well.
Definitely the purple flower glow wand, it would look so good beside my star glow wand and planet glow wand. I'll have to obtain it some other way though, I won't be able to this time around.
For my lineup and aesthetic I'd choose the purple flower wand but I prefer the cyan heart wand tbh
if I can manage to nab enough throwback tickets for, my heart is telling me to go for the cyan heart glow wand (kiyohime wand! yes, please)

though my brain is telling me to go for the silver star glow wand, since I still want to get all 3 of the imposter wands, and this one seems it'd be the hardest to strike a deal on
Like a lot of you, I absolutely love the cyan heart wand. As soon as I saw it I was desperate to have it one day. It would just pair perfectly with my pink heart (personal reasons make this my obsession 💗🩵💗)
I don't know if it's the one I'd get, but the cyan heart wand is aesthetically my favourite. Inky is also great, and the silver star wand for being a star wand, but I think I prefer the OG star wand tbh...
I personally am not big on collectibles, but it's pretty cool that they brought back so many of the old ones. I just assumed all the old forum/event collectibles would remain locked away to time, but it's very cool and fitting that they brought them back for the 20th anniversary.

I would have to say maybe Inky just because I think they look cute and I like games lol.
The cyan heart wand is definitely my favourite, with the purple flower wand being a very close second! I adore the OG heart wand, but there's just something about the cyan variant that is so uniquely pleasing! The bright, glowy cyan colour against the dark night sky background is so stunning! I've never been a huge fan of the OG flower wand (the shade of green just doesn't really do it for me), so the purple variant is *chef's kiss*!!!