NES: Chip & Dale's Rescue Rangers; Pro Wrestling (so bad it was good)
SNES: LoZ: a Link to the Past; Yoshi's Island
N64: Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros.
Gamecube: Animal Crossing: Population Growing
Wii: Just Dance 2 & 3
Wii U: Mario Kart 8 (with ACNL DLC!); LoZ: Wind Waker HD
Game Boy: LoZ: Link's Awakening; Pokemon Trading Card Game
Game Boy Advance: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance; Golden Sun
DS: Phoenix Wright series; Hotel Dusk; AC: Wild World (at the time; the Wild World graphics hurt my eyes now)
3DS: ACNL!!!
SNES: LoZ: a Link to the Past; Yoshi's Island
N64: Mario Kart 64, Super Smash Bros.
Gamecube: Animal Crossing: Population Growing
Wii: Just Dance 2 & 3
Wii U: Mario Kart 8 (with ACNL DLC!); LoZ: Wind Waker HD
Game Boy: LoZ: Link's Awakening; Pokemon Trading Card Game
Game Boy Advance: Final Fantasy Tactics Advance; Golden Sun
DS: Phoenix Wright series; Hotel Dusk; AC: Wild World (at the time; the Wild World graphics hurt my eyes now)
3DS: ACNL!!!
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