Favorite Smells?

The rain and my cats! I love just picking up my cats, sticking my face in their face and inhaling.
Lavender and citrus smells are probably my favorites. I like how my pets smell, too, but especially my younger cat—I swear he smells like baby powder.
Coffee, baking bread, rain (unless it’s tainted with worm smell), fresh, hot laundry, and weirdly my dog 😂 he doesn’t smell pleasant (except when he was a puppy) but stuff smelling like him reminds me of him ❤️
The smell of certain flowers, baking bread, mist in the air, scented candles, and peppermint.
vanilla and peach are my favourites. :)
I love the smell of the gas pump, vanilla (however I once bought a vanilla tea and almost threw up), glue, nail polish, food (usually Asian), mint...
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Lavender, cupcakes, vanilla, cinammon, basically any pastry in the oven (especially pumpkin ones)
LAVENDER yes! I love it as well :eek: 🥰
I like the smell of books (especially the freshly printed ones), coffee, citrus, sandalwood, lavender, rose, lilac, jasmine, fresh linen, the smell of grass and earth after rain, cucumber, and weirdly enough, sesame oil (I have fond memories of it from childhood)
Aloe, Eucalyptus, Pine, Lilac, warm tea (jasmine, oolong), Incense (I think it's sandalwood maybe?)..
The best smell in the entire world is the smell of my pillow. Which is also the smell of my house. Its not a strong smell and it's not actually a smell I can really describe at all other than "home" but it's the single most calming and amazing smell ever.

Otherwise I like the smell of a home cooked dinner, especially in the crockpot as it's been sitting and stewing all day. I'm pretty basic haha. I also really don't like very strong smells and can't really use perfume, etc because it's bad for the rats so I'm used to not having those smells around. A candle sometimes is nice, I do love like "musky" smelling candles.
Here's some of my favourites:
Lemongrass, eucalyptus, coffee, citrus, pine, fresh linen, peppermint, rain, campfire, cinnamon
Fresh baking is always nice like bread or cookies. If I'm buying something scented like soap or lotion I usually like sweet scents like vanilla, coconut or grapefruit. I also enjoy the scent of roses when it's natural from the flower and not synthetic and overpowering.
I enjoy the smell of flowers and rain. Brings a calming feeling, which is much appreciated by me. I also like the smell of a cold drink in a mug for a similar reason.
Mmmm the smell of rain, especially in an area with lots of trees and dirt, the smell of scented lotions such as lavender, apple, honeydew melon, hibiscus and etc.

I enjoy the smell of perfume (a light spritz) the smell of baked goods, the smell of a summer BBQ and I also really like the smell of a pizzeria, right when you step inside.
mine is pizza! we've been learning to make it at home during quarantine and we're now making it once a week! and also scented stuffed animals are absolutely another favorite of mine
The smell of books is massively nostalgic, but brownies can’t be beaten. Also, my mom’s homemade thai chicken curry and my bf’s jacket.
I love the smell of bread being baked, those cozy pumpkin pie air refreshers, rubbing alcohol, gasoline, white out, sharpies ya know all those kind of smells. I also really love the smell of original Chapstick. I think it's a nostalgia thing for me. Whenever I smell it I'm reminded of my childhood for some reason.
Cinnamon and also Cloves are big ones for me. It is just a nice smell for autumn and winter both. I also like the smell of thunderstorms and campfires.
I do like the smell of new books.
Food wise, I guess most of it smells good when you are hungry.

One weird smell I've always liked is that of an old school ditto machine handout they used to use in schools back in the day.It smelled kind of like a combination of ballpoint pen ink and malt vinegar.When I was in school,I always sniffed the ditto just like those kids in that scene from Fast Times At Ridgemont High.

I also liked the smell of an old swamp cooler when it was fired up for the first time in the Spring.It's an earthy smell which probably comes from the water dampening the grass pads of the swamp cooler for the first time in several months.