Favourite "Contest Winner" Collectible


Hat Tips and Tea Sips
May 18, 2015
Snow Bunny
Holiday Candy Cane 2024
Moon Bunny
Shooting Star
Snow Bunny
Strange Doll
Flower Glow Wand
Pink Feather
Blue Mote of Flame
Popsicle (TBT Beach Party)
What's your favourite, untradeable, contest winning collectible, e.g. the pink candy from halloween, or the moon glow wand from the fair (or tetris one from the other fair, etc.) (the embers from the fire festival count cuz you could only get a 2nd from winning a contest).

for me, it's probably the special snowflake, just cuz I love snowflakes and want one of each collectible with the snowy background.

the embers come close though!
The rainbow feather :( it is probably my favourite collectible ever and if that was the only collectible I owned I'd be content, unfortunately I don't see myself ever winning one
i wake up in a cold sweat sometimes in the middle of the night thinking about how i'll probably never get the crescent wand collectible
I'd say the moon glow wand! I love how it changes color, and I love the moon shape.
The pink candy and heart glow wand are my favorites. I think the heart glow wand is from an event, but I'm not entirely sure. Haven't been here that long. :p
the heart glow wand is tradeable so you could buy one if you wanted! I unfortunately don't have one, but i'm sure there are a few floating around.
I want an orange mote of flame and a special snowflake so badly
really all the contest ones are super nice
the heart glow wand is tradeable so you could buy one if you wanted! I unfortunately don't have one, but i'm sure there are a few floating around.

yeah, the heart glow wand was a standard shop collectible for the 2016 fair

OK, thank you to you both. Hopefully they will release it again soon if they do do the fair this year again. :)
OK, thank you to you both. Hopefully they will release it again soon if they do do the fair this year again. :)

I won't say they won't, but so far they've never rereleased any of the thematic fair collectibles, and have iirc gone on record saying they prefer them to be exclusives rather than an annual thing or whatever

2016 summer night theme's wand set and 2017 retro theme's arcade set being exclusive to those years. also, the balloons from the 2014 fair fall into this category as well, but idr it having any sort of theme to its fair

the only basically guaranteed to return are the feathers, and we won't know if it'll be the basic or multicolored ones until then, or a possible mixture

as is, it's probably safest to just assume they're permanently retired until proven otherwise
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OK, thank you to you both. Hopefully they will release it again soon if they do do the fair this year again. :)
Woah, this is non related but everyone seems to have that one fan girl.
On topic, that glow wand sounds very nice, hope they bring it back.
I won't say they won't, but so far they've never rereleased any of the thematic fair collectibles, and have iirc gone on record saying they prefer them to be exclusives rather than an annual thing or whatever

2016 summer night theme's wand set and 2017 retro theme's arcade set being exclusive to those years. also, the balloons from the 2014 fair fall into this category as well, but idr it having any sort of theme to its fair

the only basically guaranteed to return are the feathers, and we won't know if it'll be the basic or multicolored ones until then, or a possible mixture

as is, it's probably safest to just assume they're permanently retired until proven otherwise

Ah, OK. I didn't know that would be the case. Like I said, I wasn't here for the events. Thank you for giving me an idea on how it works. Hopefully they haven't retired, as I know a couple of users on here would love to get the heart glow wand. The feathers sound nice too.
I'm not sure if they were for contest winners only, but I love the Ancient Lantern and Ancient Scroll (I think those are the names). I also really like the motes of flame in all colors, but especially the blue one.
I'm not sure if they were for contest winners only, but I love the Ancient Lantern and Ancient Scroll (I think those are the names). I also really like the motes of flame in all colors, but especially the blue one.

2013 halloween event prizes for solving riddles for the dusty scroll and ancient lantern+a 2015 friday the 13th scavenger hunt event prize for users that bought the 2014 fair prize pack for the ancient lantern
I don't know what any of you are even talking about. This Halloween event is like my first event here, so I don't know a clue about any of this.