favourite unusual peppy villager?

i really like sprinkle

i also like agent S, bella and tammi
My favorite less popular peppy has to be Bella! She's also my favorite mouse villager~
And I'll give an honorable mention to Pango.
Peppy is like Normal, It's hard not to love them all!
My ultimate will ALWAYS be Bunnie, she has been with me since Wild World so 10 years+ and I don't even remember why I'm so attached... until I got out my game and visited her again. She told me how she lost all this weight but because she missed me. she put it back on again. Maybe that's a little messed up but it just touched my heart that she cared about me so much to miss me that much.

The list goes on and on after her though, Rosie a friend had her in his old NL town and she's also in the Animal Crossing movie which made me love her more, Tangy, Bianca is another one she does cute zoomies in NH and she was one of my firsts in NL, Ketchup is baby because she has those wide eyes and so smol and preshush, Sprinkle is super cute too but only had her briefly in NL, Peanut is top 5 most definitely and just soooo many more~
i really love pate!! she’s such a cutie with her eyebrows lol
Apple, she's amazing and also was 1 of my first villagers ever.
Edit: forgot about Sprinkle, I had her in NL and she's very cute too.
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Well my all time favorite peppy is ketchup, but I think she’s fairly popular, so the less popular choices would be pango and Winnie. I love love pango because I had her in new leaf and she’s such a darling. Pango has the prettiest color scheme and her house always look very pretty and that applies to both NL and NH. As for Winnie, I have a special attachment to her because she is my very first peppy villager in my very first AC town. I think she has a very nice color palette as well and her star on the forehead looks really cute.
Anabelle! I love the anteaters a lot, and Anabelle is one of the cutest villagers. Tangy is still my favorite peppy villager, but Anabelle is way up there too.
I haven't seen a single person here mention Puddles, and that's a crime. I'm gonna come back with some pics and you'll all change your tune. She's unusual and adorable and deserves so much more attention.
Probably Sprinkle I'm mixed on her. She has a cool looking home but I'm not a fan of how she looks. Probably her eyes are a bit creepy. Then I saw her running all over my island when I had her. It just made me feel uneasy. I say this because she was running over my flowers and I had an issue with that when I put "do not run" signs whenever I have random people visit my island.
Apple and Cheri used to be my absolute faves! I no longer have them on my island just because I like having a variety of villagers, but I think they're super cute. I had them a bunch throughout previous games so I just have that nostalgic connection with them. I think Puddles is next on my list for a peppy - she just looks adorable!
My favourite peppy will always be Bianca 💜 (sorry Audie 😍) she is just the cutest. I have had her on my island in every game and it just wouldn’t be the same without her 😊
I really really really love Pate and her uwu face so much. I had her in one of my NL towns and I can’t wait to run into her this time around and invite her to live in my island.
My favourite unusual peppy is Sprinkle. I love her overall design as I like to think that her appearance reminds me of ice cream cake. Her house interior is simply wonderful. I haven't got her yet but hopefully one day
Mine is Patty! I don't know about you but even for a cow, I find her to be pretty cute.