favourite unusual peppy villager?

Why does no one talk about Peggy??!
I love peppy villagers! I play early in the day, and they are always awake then. My favorite right now are Puddles and Cheri because their houses look nice right next to mine.
I love Ketchup and Anabelle! Ketchup is a duck that looks like a tomato, and Anabelle is an anteater that actually looks like a pangolin or armadillo. I really like any of the peppy ducks and squirrels though. I also like Tammi, the only peppy monkey. I feel like all of them have unique, but cute designs.
I tend to like the peppy Bunnies - Carmen and Ruby are my favorites. But there are plenty of great non cat/bunny peppys who aren't all that popular. Wendy (sheep) would be my top recommendation. For squirrels I like Nibbles and Peanut. I also love Pompom (duck) and Winnie (horse).
my favourite peppies are audie, sprinkle, merry and tangy but since they’re more on the popular side, i really recommend bonbon, cheri (til she’s a peppy,, i thought she was a snooty lmao), carmen, felicity, pate or piper! they’re all super cute and you honestly can’t go wrong with any of them. :’)
I'm not sure if she's considered popular or not, but I really like pinky? she was a random move-in near the very start of my game and I wasn't sure what I thought at first, but she really grew on me and now she's probably my favourite peppy overall : )
I always like to jump into these peppy consideration threads to plug my baby tabby. I’ve had a lot of peppies I’ve connected with over the years but tabby is definitely my favourite out of all!! She’s super cute and is adorable when she sings and dances (her hobby is music). I definitely recommend checking her out. I also really love freckles, bangle, bianca, and piper, although I‘ve only had bianca in new horizons so far (other than tabby). Bianca has a nice house too!
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I always like to jump into these peppy consideration threads to plug my baby tabby. I’ve had a lot of peppies I’ve connected with over the years but tabby is definitely my favourite out of all!! She’s super cute and is adorable when she sings and dances (her hobby is music). I definitely recommend checking her out. I also really love freckles, bangle, bianca, and piper, although I‘ve only had bianca in new horizons so far (other than tabby). Bianca has a nice house too!

Tabby is the absolute best! She always looks so happy to be singing (and seems to spend a lot of time singing into her neighbors windows!) she is an absolute treasure! It always brightens my day to see tabby love!
Tabby has got to be my favourite peppy by far. probably also my favourite cat villager. I'm highly considering switching out Ruby for her but I have an emotional bond with Ruby now haha. I'd commit arson for more villager slots.
I love Felicity but she may not be what you're looking for since you said you don't want cat or bunny villagers. Agent S has an interesting design. Very Power Rangers/Super Sentai vibes. Truffles has a funny look. I'm partial to pigs though.
I really like Maddid, Cookie and Sprinkles and have considered adding one to my island, just don’t know who they’d replace, but think they’re quite popular peppy villagers. For less usual ones I think the tigers Bianca and Bangle are good, I really enjoyed having Bangle on my island. Plus Cheri, love her design and I really like her house interior, and Pate as I think a lot of the duck villagers are sweet and really like her colouring.
No one has mentioned either of my peppy villagers yet. Fairly certain Pango fits the bill for an unusual non-cat/bunny. She was the first to move onto my island and I can never let her leave. She's my in game bestie.
And I usually end up with a lot of bird villagers, and there's some great ones mentioned here like Piper and Sprinkle. But Flora and Twiggy deserve some love too! Had Twiggy in multiple previous games and always liked her, and have Flora in my town currently.


Usually I prefer monochrome/neutral coloured villagers, but peppy is one personality where it just doesn't feel right if they're not brightly coloured to me. Look at these superstars, I always enjoy being an NPC in their fame driven lives.
Tabby is great. I like her more than the other peppy cats. Agent S is cool. She really feels more like a jock than peppy though, which is great. I really like Bianca too. I had her in one of the first 3 plots. She's just adorable.