favourite unusual peppy villager?

I have Audie, and pompom, I used to have Cheri, but not anymore. Audies my fave villager of all time, but she's not unusual, or underrated. My fave unusual peppy is probably Cheri, or Bella or tangy bc were birthday buddies lol
hi! i was looking at my dreamie list and realized i have no peppy characters! i really want a rounded island with at least one of each personality type. but i'm not too drawn to the popular peppy's like the bunnies or cat villagers. i have audie right now too but i'm not a fan! i was thinking of maybe pate because of his silly eyebrows. what's your favourite less popular peppy villagers?
Pate is indeed a great peppy character with the fashion hobby (meaning she will stroll around town with her fashion hand bag). But mostly, Pate is a she, and not a he ;)
Bonbon is my favourite peppy villager. Her design is awesome and adorable, and she has the play hobby so she runs around a lot.
I also really like Piper, Felicity, Bubbles, Peanut (I accidentally let her go and she got replaced by Bubbles), Cookie, Nibbles, Carmen, Dotty, Cheri, Bella, Freckles, Chrissy, Maddie, Peggy, Penelope, Pompom, Ruby, Tangy and Wendy.
I currently have Puddles and Chrissy on my island as my peppy villagers. I really like puddles and the frog villagers in general, I think they’re super cute and I think it’s a good detail how they don’t wear rain hats or use umbrellas when it rains because they’re frogs! But Ruby is also really cute and so is Ketchup!
For peppy villagers I've had: Agent S, Apple, Bluebear, Cookie, Sprinkle, Wendy. Most of those are traditionally popular villagers, save maybe Agent S for some, but on the whole I've liked them all. Wendy I think would be a great choice for nontraditional peppies. She's a blue sheep with a cute house. She's like a summery Baabara! I had her as one of the random move ins from the beginning and I kept her around for like 6 months, more than any other random starter I was landed with. I'd advocate for sweet Wendy any day!
I really like Piper! I think Birds in general are overlooked but she's one of the cuter ones. :) I like how she's based on a shore bird and her interior is pretty cool. She matches my nautical-themed town well, so she's a keeper! :)


