FE Heroes discussion


The Golden Week Celebration in Fire Emblem Heroes has begun.
Be sure to login everyday during this time. You don't want to miss out on this celebration.
A Double SP & EXP Event is live during this time as well.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,033 orbs. Spent 123 orbs on the Double Special Heroes banner. Originally, I wasn't going to spend any orbs on the banner and would wait until the CYL 5 re-run banner comes up. But then... I thought about it for a long while and realized that maybe this was the best opportunity to get Scion Lewyn. It seemed better to me to get him now instead of waiting for his banner to come back again to get him. Getting Ninja Male Corrin while summoning for Scion Lewyn didn't seem bad.

Anyways... I was able to get 2 copies of Ninja Male Corrin (4-star), 1 Winter Artur [Neutral IVs], and 1 Scion Lewyn (5-star). My summoning session for the Double Special Heroes banner seemed alright. But.... I didn't do so hot with my summoning session for the Hero Fest banners. I was only able to get Brave Lysithea (+Spd/-HP) with my summoning tickets. Glad that I got something for the celebration.

Good luck on summoning on these Hero Fest banners. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.

The Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner is here.
Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner.
Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,053 orbs. Spent 168 orbs on the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner. My main goal was to get another copy of Legendary Ephraim as well as getting a copy of Ascended Fjorm. So... I mostly went for blues and greens then went colorless if the main colors I wanted weren't there. The units that I was able to get are: Legendary Hector (+Spd/-HP), Fjorm (+HP/-Res), Female Kana (+HP/-Def) [4-Star Special], Ascended Fjorm (+Def/-HP), Adrift Female Corrin (+HP/-Res) [4-Star Special], and Legendary Ephraim (Neutral IVs) [Free After 40 Summons]. Pretty stoked that I got the units I wanted on the banner.

I haven't decided if I wanted to summon on the new Fallen Banner just yet. I'm waiting to see who is gonna be on the Bridal Banner and Legendary Hero Banner. Still gonna summon on the CYL 5 Rerun Banner that is coming up soon. Aiming to get Brave Marth, but will pull some blues for Brave Eirika along the way. I'm spending so much orbs this month. Hoping the Summer Banners will let my orb pile rest.


Check out these links down below too:
Fire Emblem Warriors: Three Hopes – Kingdom of Faerghus Trailer
Fire Emblem Heroes - New Heroes (Beyond Control)
Beyond Control Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Beyond Control (Lilith, Ninian, Gustav, Rhea)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Muarim - Raw Instinct [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Muarim: Raw Instinct (GHB Reward)
Fire Emblem Heroes - Tips & Tricks: Fallen Heroes - Beyond Control
NEW Refines of May 2022 for Duma, Idunn, Gharnef, Kaden, Picnic Felicia & Thea
Refines Simplified: Idunn, Duma, Thea, Kaden, P!Felicia & Gharnef
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner Schedule
Overview of all missing CYL-Votable Heroes, Sorted by CYL6 Rank (as of Fallen Heroes - Beyond Control)
Most Recent Heroes by Entry (05/10/22)
Skills Focus May 2022 | Infographic
Resplendent Heroes by Entry (05/10/22)
Fire Emblem Heroes : Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #55 (Faye)

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New Seasonal Heroes have arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I guess the Bridal Banner this year is another Fire Emblem: Binding Blade theme. Not really my cup of tea, but I'm happy for the fans that wanted this. So... Larum is a dancing lance flier and the tempest trial+ unit. Glad that I finally got an accessible dancer for Binding Blade. Skipping on this banner since I'm spending on the CYL 5 re-run as well as waiting to see who is the Legendary Hero this month.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,117 orbs. I'm still working on max summoner supporting all my Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones (FE8) units in the game. Not much else going on with me in Fire Emblem Heroes. Just playing the wait game.

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The Forging Bond Revival Banner is here.
Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner.
Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,030 orbs. Spent 149 orbs on this Forging Bonds Revival Banner. My main goal was to get Brave Marth and some copies of Brave Eirika. So... I mostly went for reds and blues then went colorless if the main colors I wanted weren't there. The units that I was able to get are: Brave Marth (+Def/-HP), Brave Eirika (+Res/-Def), Ayra (+Atk/-Res) [4-Star Special], Sword Reinhardt (+Atk/-Spd) [4-Star Special], Brave Marth (+HP/-Res), Young Tiki (+Def/-Res) [4-Star Special], and Brave Eirika (Neutral IVs) [Free After 40 Summons]. Pretty alright summoning session for me. Got Brave Marth and extra copies of Brave Eirika.


A New Legendary Hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Legendary Myrrh is going to be the next Legendary Hero. Definitely hyped for her appearance as a Legendary Hero in Fire Emblem Heroes. That means Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones finally gets a Legendary Hero with the new effects since Legendary Ephraim & Legendary Eirika have the old effects. So... It's quite exciting for me that FE8 can get the new effects for Legendary Heroes like some of the other FE games.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,065 orbs. I'm definitely summoning on the upcoming Legendary Banner for Myrrh. My color priorities are: Blue > Colorless > Green > Red. Hoping my summoning session would be alright. Haven't decided on what to do with the Beyond Control (Fallen Heroes) Banner since I haven't summoned on there just yet. Leaving it be for now.


A new Feh Channel video is up to talk about the latest information for the game. Check the video out if you haven't already.


Overall: The FEH Channel was alright. I really liked that there was more aether resort terrains that are being added soon. I was wondering when they'll add more of them. Well... It's better late than never I guess. I was hoping not to summon until August, but I think I got to summon on one of the celebratory summoning events for Summer Mercedes and Dedue for Near Save. I might also summon for Summer Ashe, but I haven't decided yet. I think I might skip on the Book VI Midpoint Banner since Letizia isn't a Mythic or a Legendary.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,053 orbs. Spent 83 orbs on the Legendary Myrrh banner and spent 4 orbs on the Fallen (Beyond Control) Banner. My main goal was to get Legendary Myrrh. So... I mostly went for blues then went colorless if the main color I wanted wasn't there. The units that I was able to get in all are: Legendary Caeda (+Res/-HP), Legendary Myrrh (+HP/-Atk), and Lugh (+Res/-HP) [4-Star Special]. I'm overall happy that I got the unit I wanted in less orbs despite the bad IVs.

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New Heroes had arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 926 orbs. Spent 175 orbs on the Three Hopes: Celebration Event 3 banner. I wanted to get Summer Mercedes and some copies of Dedue. So... I mostly went for reds and greens then went blues if the main colors I wanted weren't there. The units that I was able to get in all are: Dedue (+Spd/-Res), Mia (+Res/-Spd) [4-Star Special], Summer Mercedes (+Res/-HP), and Dedue (Neutral IVs). Haven't decided on who I want as my free summon after the 40th summon on the banner yet.

My progression in max supporting my FE8 units is still going well. I only need like 8 more units to go to get there. Not sure what I'll do once I get there. Might just max support all the Blue Lion House units afterwards. Haven't decided yet.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on the Midpoint banner or any of the Celebration Banners.
Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.​


Check out these links down below too:
Letizia & More Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Book VI Midpoint: Letizia & More (A.Florina, Sain, Kent, Letizia)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Guy - Kutolah Blade [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Guy: Kutolah Blade (Quest Reward/Future Banners)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Limstella - Living Construct [Showcase: Tome Animation]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Limstella: Living Construct (GHB Reward)
New Heroes banners potential 2022 lineup (updated to Ascended Florina)
Seiyu-based Unit Reverse Engineering Project (JP VAs to Unit Predictions) - May 2022
Refines of June 2022 for Naesala, Fallen Berkut, Velouria, Picnic Flora & Ranulf!
Resonant Battles Schedule | Reference | May-Jul 2022
Legendary & Mythic Hero Rerun Calendar (06/7/22)
Interim Results for the A Hero Rises: Garland Moon Cup Event
Limited Hero Battle [June-September 2022]
Resplendent Overview (updated to Matthew)
Resplendent Heroes by Entry (06/10/22)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #57 (Effie)
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New Seasonal Heroes had arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I was pretty surprised on who were the chosen individuals as well as the skills on the banner. It made me a little tempted to summon for someone, but I really have to skip on the banner since I spent orbs summoning for Summer Mercedes and Summer Ashe. I might try to get Summer Dimitri next year if I feel like I got the orbs to spare. I'm curious to see which individuals will be on Summer Part 2.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 810 orbs. Spent 175 orbs on the Three Hopes: Celebration Event 9 banner. I wanted to get Summer Ashe and possibly a better IVs for Summer Sylvain. So... I mostly went for blues and greens then went blues if the main colors I wanted weren't there. The units that I was able to get in all are: Summer Sylvain (+Spd/-HP), Asbel (+Atk/-Spd), Gatrie (+HP/-Atk), Ingrid (+Spd/-Atk), and Summer Ashe (Neutral IVs) [Free After 40 Summons]. For my Three Hopes: Celebration Event 3 free pick after the 40th summon... I've chosen Summer Mercedes since I wanted her A/R Far Trace skill for someone.

My progression in max supporting my FE8 units is still going well. I only need like 5 more units to get there and it's kind of exciting to almost reach that goal of mine. I think I might max summoner support the Blue Lion House after I'm done with the FE8 cast.

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I've gotten back into feh recently and plan on playing it a ton this weekend. I need to catch up on the story battles and earn orbs, and also do the other modes as well. I got some new units upon returning.






I got Letizia in like, two pulls, which was really surprising.

This is my current team as of now. I'm using four legendary heroes together with good stats and it seems to be working well for now. I may change it up in the future, but I'm pretty happy with this team:


A new Legendary Hero has arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I sighed in relief when I saw the thumbnail of the video since I'm currently in saving mode right now. Though... That might change depending on which characters are selected for the second part of the Summer units. I don't really have much of an opinion when it comes to his legendary form, but he does have nice artwork and I like his attack animation. My opinion of him in general is a little sour due to how some of his fans were when commenting about other legendary heroes when he didn't came out yet. This also includes Male Corrin and Male Robin by extension. So... I'm not sure how I am gonna feel when those two get their legendary forms.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 938 orbs. I've been leveling up my summoner's supports with my FE8 units. My progress is going well so far and I only need two more units to go. Those units are: Legendary Eirika and Winter Ephraim. Pretty excited to reach that goal and start a new goal by max summoner supports with all the Blue Lion House units I have obtained.

I got +10 Summer Claude which is really nice. I got the FEH Pass to spark harmonic Edelgard, duo Chrom and Reginn. My duo Chrom is +2 now and Reginn will be at least +8 once I reach the spark! Hoping to +10 Chrom next year, but we'll see if I manage to save enough. I'm out of orbs for now.
I haven’t been up to much with summons lately due to Brave Chrom being on the horizon but my free summon during Legendary Xander’s banner was 4 star special Pegasus Nino which now puts her at +8. I never meant to merge her up so much but she just randomly keeps showing up. Not that I’m complaining as I love Nino and this variant of her has been a staple of my flying team for quite a while now. Will likely try to +10 her at some point now that she’s so close.
I've been amassing orbs and summoning on the banners, and I've obtained some new units! Almost all the way caught up with the latest chapter of story battles.









New Seasonal Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I knew that Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones were getting seasonal units when Eirika showed up. It surprised me that they were gonna take part in the Summer Part 2 banner. 'Cause I assumed that they might not get one until like maybe October for a potential Halloween Morva or something. I'm pretty excited to summon on this upcoming banner for Summer Eirika and Summer Lyon.

Seth is going to be the tempest trial+ unit and his unit type is an axe cavalry. Happy that Seth finally gets a seasonal in so long. I thought he was never gonna get one until like a Sacred Stones Valentine's banner. Not sure when they'll even get something like that.

Summoning on this banner means that I might have to skip the August Mythic/Legendary banner. I was going to summon on that banner for Distant Stance and potentially a different IV for Legendary Myrrh. So... I guess that's out the window now.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 999 orbs. I originally needed to only finish maxing my summoner support with Winter Ephraim and Legendary Eirika. Summer Seth, Summer Eirika, and Summer Lyon are adding to the pile of maxing my summoner supports with every Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units in Fire Emblem Heroes. It's gonna be fun doing all that once they arrive.


Check out these links down below too:
Fire Emblem Heroes - Book III - Chibi Playhouse
Taken by the Tide Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Taken by the Tide (Eirika, Nifl, Lyon, Thorr Loki Duo)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Seth - Silver-Sea Knight [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Seth: Silver-Sea Knight (TT+ "Life & Death 1" reward)
[Begins July 7, 2022 UTC] "Life & Death 1" - TT+ Final Map & Generic Unit Layout
New Special Banner "Taken by the Tide" Skill Compilation Graphic
Duo/Harmonic Heroes Series | Infographic | Jul 2022 [Before Summer Thorr + Loki (Duo Hero)]
Double Special Heroes Candidates (07/05/22)
NEW FEH Refines of July 2022 for L!Roy, B!Fjorm, Kjelle, Panne, Mordecai & F!Mareeta
NEW Refines Simplified: L!Roy, B!Fjorm, Kjelle, Panne, Mordecai & F!Mareeta
(Kjelle's refine explained with tested example)
Fire Emblem Heroes : Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #59 (Karla)
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Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 711 orbs. Spent 303 orbs on the Summer Part 2 Banner. My main goal was to get Summer Eirika and Summer Lyon, so I mostly summoned on greens and reds in order to try to get them. The units that I was able to get in all are: Fallen Lyon (+Res/-Def), Ced (+Atk/-Def), Summer Eirika (+Res/-Def), Summer Lyon (Neutral IVs), Summer Lyon (+Def/-Atk), Dedue (+HP/-Def), and Adrift Female Corrin (+Def/-Spd) [4-Star Special]. Pretty happy that I was able to get the units I wanted.


Check out these links down below too:
Most Recent Heroes by Entry (07/06/22)
I FINALLY finished catching up on all the story battles and paralogues in the game on every difficulty. Managed to amass more orbs and got some more units:






I tried to go for Bridal Fjorm too on the newest banner, but ran out of orbs. In hindsight I should have probably saved them for someone else, but oh well.

Now that I'm all caught up on that I decided to use my newly built legendary heroes team to take on Aether Raids, and boy, they are just destroying everything. I haven't lost a single battle yet, and I haven't had more than one unit fall per battle. I have a feeling if I keep pressuring with this team I'm going to be able to reach even greater heights in Aether Raids than when I was trying to a couple years ago.

Really looking forward to CYL 6 units coming next month! ✨

The Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner is here.
Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner.
Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 616 orbs. Spent 181 orbs on the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner. My main goal was to get some copies of Volke for Lethality. So... I mostly went for reds then went colorless if the main color I wanted wasn't there. The units that I was able to get are: Ayra (+HP/-Def) [4-Star Special], Legendary Roy (+Def/-Res), Legendary Roy (+Res/-HP), Volke (+HP/-Spd), Zelgius (+Def/-HP) [4-Star Special], and Volke (Neutral IVs) [Free After 40 Summons].

I'm hoping to be able to skip the rest of the banners this month and the majority of them next month. The only time I'll probably won't be able to skip is if they surprise me with another Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones unit. I'm already saving orbs for CYL 6 next month.

My progression in maxing my summoner supports with every FE8 character in Fire Emblem Heroes is still going well. Just need to max summoner support Summer Eirika and Legendary Eirika. I'm currently working on Summer Eirika at the moment.

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After them releasing Summer Nifl I was wondering where our green “horse” dragon would be at. Whelp they didn’t leave me wondering for long.

Anyways I’m glad to see Valentian Est to complete the trio. I really do like the art style for all 3 of them.

I currently have a decent orb stash going. I’m hoping to reach 1000 orbs by CYL in order to get as many Brave Chrom merges as possible.
I ALMOST forgot to mention this before going to sleep, but I finished the newest chapter of the feh story that just came out, and I also got some new units.






(I got Ymir in only four pulls)

New Seasonal Heroes had arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


The new seasonal heroes aren't pirates this year, but they are masked thieves with a really cool look. The units on the banner aren't appealing for me, so I'm gonna have to skip and wait until the CYL 6 banner comes around. I'm curious on what the unit type for CYL 6 winners is going to be despite not being too excited about it. My plan is just to go full circle until the 40th summon when the banner comes around.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 850 orbs. Spent 4 orbs on the Heroes with Rally+ Skills. I didn't plan on using orbs on that banner, but my finger tapped to continue summoning and I had to pick an orb to summon on. Didn't get anything good on it though. I was a little bit tempted to buy the FEH Pass due to L'Arachel getting a resplendent attire, but I am holding out until Ephraim is able to get a resplendent attire before buy it. Might consider getting all the FE8 Resplendent Heroes. Not sure yet.

I was able to get Sothe (+Def/-Res) on the new seasonal banner with my free summon as well as Nina (Neutral IVs) during the Tempest Trials+ banner. Pretty cool that I was able to get them on a free summon. Also... I had finally maxed summoner support all FE8 units in FEH.


Check out these links down below too:
Fire Emblem Heroes - Feh Channel (Aug. 1, 2022)
Risk and Rewards Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Risk and Reward (Cath, Leila, Sothe, Nina Kagero Duo)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Rickard - Carefree Culprit [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Rickard: Carefree Culprit (TT+ "Life & Death 2" reward)
Weekly Revival Calendar (Aug 14 ~ Dec 18)
Legendary, Mythic, and Remix Schedule - Updated to August Feh Channel
NEW FEH Refines of August 2022 for L!Alm. Naga, S!Laegjarn, Keaton, Caineghis, Hilda & Rutger!
NEW Refines SIMPLIFIED: L!Alm, Naga, S!Laegjarn, Keaton, Caineghis, Hilda & Rutger!
♫ Binding Worlds BGM - Fire Emblem Heroes
Remaining Resplendent Candidates
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #61 (L'Arachel)

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