ENG Twitter Announcement: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_EN/status/1485537896077697027
JPN Twitter Announcement: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/1485537902566252549
JPN Twitter Announcement: https://twitter.com/FE_Heroes_JP/status/1485537902566252549
Choose Your Legends 6: Wow. :0 I can't believe that Lyon was able to be in the Top 20 in the male division for this Choose Your Legends. Now... I know where to use the rest of my votes and where to place them next year. This is the only thing that is making me hype about this Choose Your Legends at the moment. Seeing some Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones representation in any division for this Choose Your Legends.
My Choose Your Legends 6 Ballot: https://i.gyazo.com/65e147b9f5c1f87c5aeb7fbbf27b6fb1.png
In any case... Seeing Seliph rising up to 2nd place in the CYL 6 interim is quite impressive. I definitely respect it. A little tempted to spend one vote on him for the sake of solidarity in having a Jugdral representation in Choose Your Legends. Adult Tiki shooting up to 1st place wasn't a surprise for me since I saw lots of outcry for wanting a new alt for her. I was kind of expecting her to place really high this year.
If the results stay the same then I'm not sure who I would pick as my free one. Originally... I was thinking Chrom since I figured he would most likely win and the fact that I can boost my Awakening roster in power. Now... I can't really decide on who to pick if push comes to shove.

Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 883 orbs. Saving my orbs for Legendary Azura, a potential A Hero Rises banner, the potential CYL 5 Revival Banner (if they win Twitter Poll), CYL 6 Banner, and potential new Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units.
Finished Hall of Forms in one day with Summer Ingrid and Summer Sylvain. The one I am trying to build up is Summer Ingrid and only built up Summer Sylvain since I didn't want to risk wasting too many torches to attempt to solo with Summer Ingrid. Trying to get a good inheritable weapon for her since she already comes with Starpoint Lance. Not having any luck so far when it comes to the weapons, but I did get some interesting skills. Might go with whatever inheritable weapon I can find if I can't find a good one on the last days of Hall of Form.
I'm currently on Camp Claude in Grand Conquest. I used to use my own units for the mode and now I've started to use units on my friend list.
Check out these links down below too:
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread
Choose Your Legends: Round 6 - 1st Day Report [Male Division]
Choose Your Legends: Round 6 - 1st Day Report [Female Division]
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 3
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 4
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 5
CYL 6 Midterm Results
Grand Conquests Megathread (1/24/22)
Check out these links down below too:
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread
Choose Your Legends: Round 6 - 1st Day Report [Male Division]
Choose Your Legends: Round 6 - 1st Day Report [Female Division]
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 3
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 4
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 5
CYL 6 Midterm Results
Grand Conquests Megathread (1/24/22)
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