FE Heroes discussion

Choose Your Legends 6: Wow. :0 I can't believe that Lyon was able to be in the Top 20 in the male division for this Choose Your Legends. Now... I know where to use the rest of my votes and where to place them next year. This is the only thing that is making me hype about this Choose Your Legends at the moment. Seeing some Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones representation in any division for this Choose Your Legends.

My Choose Your Legends 6 Ballot: https://i.gyazo.com/65e147b9f5c1f87c5aeb7fbbf27b6fb1.png

In any case... Seeing Seliph rising up to 2nd place in the CYL 6 interim is quite impressive. I definitely respect it. A little tempted to spend one vote on him for the sake of solidarity in having a Jugdral representation in Choose Your Legends. Adult Tiki shooting up to 1st place wasn't a surprise for me since I saw lots of outcry for wanting a new alt for her. I was kind of expecting her to place really high this year.

If the results stay the same then I'm not sure who I would pick as my free one. Originally... I was thinking Chrom since I figured he would most likely win and the fact that I can boost my Awakening roster in power. Now... I can't really decide on who to pick if push comes to shove.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 883 orbs. Saving my orbs for Legendary Azura, a potential A Hero Rises banner, the potential CYL 5 Revival Banner (if they win Twitter Poll), CYL 6 Banner, and potential new Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units.

Finished Hall of Forms in one day with Summer Ingrid and Summer Sylvain. The one I am trying to build up is Summer Ingrid and only built up Summer Sylvain since I didn't want to risk wasting too many torches to attempt to solo with Summer Ingrid. Trying to get a good inheritable weapon for her since she already comes with Starpoint Lance. Not having any luck so far when it comes to the weapons, but I did get some interesting skills. Might go with whatever inheritable weapon I can find if I can't find a good one on the last days of Hall of Form.

I'm currently on Camp Claude in Grand Conquest. I used to use my own units for the mode and now I've started to use units on my friend list.

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Woo. The end is near. I’m so excited for the results.
Hopefully Chrom and Seliph remain in the top two. I was going to vote for Seliph next year but this is better.

CYL 7 is going to be difficult though if Seliph wins this year. I’m going to have to choose between Alfonse, Ashe, and Lyon. Hmm, luckily I have a year to think about it.
Alright, excuse me for imposing, but I just got to share this. I always knew my character RNG in gacha games is really good, but this is ridiculous. I got both Prince of Light Marth and Twilit Harmony Dorothea BACK-TO-BACK after not having played feh for several days. I literally got Marth on my free pull on the newest banner, and then Dorothea on the second newest banner by just using five orbs. Now I have both Prince of Light Marth and Hero-King Marth. 🤩



A New Mythic Hero has arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I'm quite surprised with the chosen Mythic Hero. Wasn't expecting it at all when I saw the thumbnail of the video. It's really cool that's she is the first Mythic Staff unit in the game. Her English Voice Actor has a YouTube channel if anyone is curious. I'm personally not spending orbs on this Mythic Hero banner due to seeing what's up in the anniversary and the Legendary Hero Remix banner in March.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 918 orbs. Still saving my orbs for Legendary Azura, a potential A Hero Rises banner, the potential CYL 5 Revival Banner (if they win Twitter Poll), CYL 6 Banner, and potential new Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones units. Not much else going for me in the game besides getting a good inheritable weapon for Summer Ingrid and maxing my summoner supports with every Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones unit in Fire Emblem Heroes. Waiting for February to come around and give out the Feh Channel.


Check out these links down below too:
Mythic Hero - Elimine - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Mythic Hero: Elimine - Scouring Saint
All CYL Top 20 Results as of 2022 Midterms
Current CYL 6 Top 20 (Interim Results) during the previous CYL Events
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 6
Choose Your Legends 6 Event Megathread - Day 7 (Final)
Choose Your Legends 6 - Zephiel & Chill Megathread (Waiting for Results to Release, Peacefully)
Mythic/Legendary Heroes Series | Infographic | Jan 2022 (Before Mythic Hero Elimine)
Tempest Trials Units Chart - Updated to Deen
Legendary, Mythic, and Remix Schedule - Updated to Elimine
New Starter Support pack featuring Sothis
5th Anniversary Quests and Special Maps!
Free 5-stars GHB Rotation 3 Rewards
A Look Back at Year 5 of Fire Emblem Heroes
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A new Feh Channel video is up to talk about the latest information for the game. Check the video out if you haven't already.

  • Choose Your Legends 6 - The winners of Choose Your Legends 6 are: Chrom, Seliph, Adult Tiki, and Female Byleth.
    [Note: I put the names of the winners for this round of CYL in a spoiler blur as a safety precaution. Spoilers can be a sensitive subject.]

  • 5th Anniversary Celebration! - The stuff we can get for this celebration in Fire Emblem Heroes.

    • 5th Anniversary Log-In Bonus - Logging in consistently during the event can get you certain rewards.
    • 5th Anniversary Quests & Aether Raids Quests - Clearing these quests while they're active would get you certain rewards.
    • 5th Anniversary Tempest Trial+ & Related Quests - Clearing this one while it is active would get you certain rewards.

  • 5th Anniversary Grand Hero Party & Related Quests - These selective grand hero battles are making a comeback for the 5th Anniversary. Receive them as 5-star Heroes when you clear the daily quests. Limited time only opportunity.

  • 5th Anniversary Hero Fest - These heroes [here] will be featured in Hero Fest. The tickets [here] are specifically used for this banner.

  • Special Hero Summon (Year 5) - You can randomly get one of these special heroes to join your barracks for free.

  • 5th Anniversary Special Maps - 13 Maps that are themed around the Special Heroes that are available in the Special Hero Summon (Year 5) Banner. Each special map will be playable on two difficulty levels. Normal & Hard. Earning a total of 26 orbs by clearing them.

  • A Hero Rises 2022 - A free hero that everyone gets to have for a selective period of time. The first part of this event is the voting period. You can click this link [here] to start voting for selective candidates for this event. Once the voting period is over then a voting gauntlet with the top candidates will begin and the winner of it will be the chosen hero. If you don't like the winning hero of the event then there will be a special summoning banner with the top 4 voting gauntlet heroes that you can summon for.

  • 2022 Valentine's Units - The units for the 2022 Valentine's Banner are: Lucina, Female Robin, Owain, Lissa, and Chrom (Duo Hero).

  • New Feature for Heroes Journey - The new feature coming to Heroes Journey is called the World Mirror. It allows you to sit back and relax while watching what your pair of Heroes is doing and where they are at the moment on their journey. The time of day reflected in the World Mirror matches the time of day in the real world. Guide them to a positive outcome and one can get a memory fragment.

  • Update Information - The update information talks about an increase in the hero merit cap, new aether raids maps, new arena maps, summoner duels s, and changes to how summoning works (Note: Units added to Weekly Revivals, Legendary Heroes Remix, and 4-Star Special Seasonal Units).

Overall: The FEH Channel was pretty cool. There was some nice stuff coming into the game. Out of all the winners... I'll most likely pick Seliph as my free pick if I don't get lucky when summoning for CYL 6. Choosing him would help out my roster for his game. I think I might try to go for the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix for Legendary Hrid. I may skip out of the new Valentine's Banner, but I haven't fully decided on that just yet. I'm happy and kind of upset about the Hero Fest Banner due to Plumeria being on there. Breaks my hearts a bit when I saw the banner.

Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 965 orbs. Hoping to get really lucky with this anniversary.

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Really happy with the CYL results. I can finally focus on properly saving for a Brave Chr- oh... oh no the new seasonal banner whyyy!? I really want all of them especially Robin rip orbs I was supposed to be saving. 😅
Really happy with the CYL results. I can finally focus on properly saving for a Brave Chr- oh... oh no the new seasonal banner whyyy!? I really want all of them especially Robin rip orbs I was supposed to be saving. 😅
Haha. Same! I was going to save up for bunny Sharena and Bruno, but Lucina looks so beautiful here 🥰 Oh well, time to grind some more orbs.

For my free pulls I managed to get a Yuri with ok IVs and an extra Legendary Dimitri. Yay! Time to get rid of that -ATK. For the A Hero Rises event, I'll probably vote for Duo Corrin. Idk. If anyone has a better suggestion, I'm all ears.

New Seasonal Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


Fire Emblem: Awakening takes up the 2022 Valentine's Banner. The artwork for them looks quite nice and the skills on these units would be great to have. Skipping out on this banner since I've spent some of my orbs on the Hero Fest Banner and need to keep saving for other banners. I'm hoping to get lucky with red and colorless with the free pull and the 5 summon tickets. Main goal for me is red.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 915 orbs. Spent 103 orbs on the Hero Fest Banner to get Plumeria. I've also gotten Priam (Neutral IVs) and Ayra (Neutral IVs) [4-Star Special] on the banner as well. Just currently holding off my orbs until the Legendary & Mythic Remix for Hrid and Eir. Trying to get Atk/Def Menace for my Duo Ephraim. Probably going to go full circle summons when the banner comes around since I got to save my orbs for Legendary Azura in March. I've redeem Summer Ingrid on the Hall of Forms and was able to get a different weapon besides her default one. Just need to get more SP on her at the moment to get her default skills to be learned. Only missing Summer Ashe and Summer Mercedes for my Blue Lion House collection. It's gonna be a long while to try to get them at some point.


Check out these links down below too:
Here with Me Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Here with Me (Lucina, Robin (F), Owain, Chrom Robin (M) Duo)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Lissa: Sweet Celebrant (TT+ - "Abiding Love")
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #49 (Deirdre)
Top 5 Most Wanted Heroes not in the Game (Post CYL 6)
Top 5 Most Wanted Alts in the Game (Post CYL6)
Double Weekly Revival Summon Schedule Visualized from 02/13/22 to 09/25/22
Legendary & Mythic Rerun Calendar (02/02/22)
Legendary & Mythic Remix Calendar (02/02/22)
The Interim Results for the A Hero Rises 2022 Event
All AHR 2022 Wallpapers
New Ephemeras for February 2022
4-Star Special Rate - Seasonal Pool (February 2022 Update)
ALL Refines of February 2022
New FEH Merchandise
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Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 859 orbs. Spent 155 orbs on the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner to get Hrid. I've also gotten Velouria (+Spd/-Res) [4-Star Special], Muspell (+Atk/-Res), and Legendary Hector (+Spd/-Res). on the banner as well. Didn't get lucky with my free summon and tickets for the 2022 Valentine's Banner, but I'm fine with that since I wasn't invested on it. So... I'm just saving my orbs for Legendary Azura for the next Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix in March at the moment.


Check out these links down below too:
Most Recent Heroes by Entry (02/06/22)
Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Calendar (02/12/22)
Orb Planner
After the Valentine’s Banner I’ve been planning on saving big time for Brave Chrom. The new Idunn though made me cave as she is one of favourites from Binding Blade and the new alt of her looks so happy finally.

I just went to summon on the banner and boom Ascended Idunn said hello on my free summon with +Res -Hp ivs which is pretty darn good. Thank you RNG gods. :D

A New Legendary Hero is coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I'm not too surprised that Legendary Caeda was going to be a Legendary Hero. The artwork for her looks quite nice and she apparently has a different effect compared to the other legendries. Blue definitely seems like the best color to go for here.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 978 orbs. Didn't get lucky with my free summon and tickets on the New Heroes & Ascended Idunn banner, but I did have better luck on the Weekly Revival Banners. I got (+Spd/-Res) OG Ike on the Weekly Revival 10 Banner and I got a (+Def/-HP) Fallen Celica on the Weekly Revival 1 Banner. It's pretty cool to finally get OG Ike. I'm currently waiting for the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix in March for Azura. Not much else going for me than maxing Summoner Supports with every FE8 unit.


Check out these links down below too:
Caeda - Beloved Queen - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Legendary Hero: Caeda - Beloved Queen
Fire Emblem Heroes: A Hero Rises 2022 - Results
List of Forma Units and skills in HoF as of February 2022
Ascended Heroes: Ascended Idunn Update. Ver 6.2
Fire Emblem Heroes : Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #50 (Lukas)

I had all this time to decide who to vote for in AHR but I still can’t make up my mind between Duo!Corrin, L!Byleth and L!Sigurd.😮‍💨 The first two were in my ballots, whereas L!Sigurd seems like a fun unit to have.

New Seasonal Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


The Easter Banner is coming up soon in Fire Emblem Heroes and I'm a bit glad that there isn't anyone I want to summon for. Saving my orbs for the A Hero Rises Banner and the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner. The AHR Banner is going to have Ninja Corrin, Harmonized Hero Azura, Legendary Male Byleth, and Thorr. The free AHR unit we're getting is Ninja Corrin for those who don't know. I'm hoping to get lucky on this banner, but I sort of doubt that I would get any kind of luck on it.

In any case... The tempest trial+ unit is going to be Luthier and he's going to be a lance cavalry unit.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,077 orbs. I was able to free summon a Legendary Caeda (+Atk/-HP) on the Legendary Hero Banner as well as free summon a Gerik (+Atk.-HP) on the BHB Banner. Not much going on with me in Fire Emblem Heroes besides saving orbs until the A Hero Rises Banner and the Legendary & Mythic Hero Remix Banner.


Check out these links down below too:
Hop-and-Go-Seek Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Hop-and-Go-Seek (Delthea, Maria, Henry, Sonya & Tharja Duo)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Luthier - Spring Showcase [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Luthier: Spring Hopes (TT+ "Brother's Friends)
[Begins March 8, 2022 UTC] "Brother's Friends" - TT+ Final Map & Generic Unit Layout
ALL Refines of March 2022 for L!Azura, Shigure, Garon, Mikoto, Sue & NY!Gunnthra
Banner Performance Tier List [Per Sensortower Grossing Rankings] Book VI Q1
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #51 (Seliph)

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The AHR banner was generous with me.:love:
I was only supposed to spend 100 orb but I went over by 75.

At the moment, I currently have 125 orbs reserved for the re-run of the Hares at the Fair banner. Hopefully this year I will get bunny Sharena!
The AHR banner was generous with me.:love:
I was only supposed to spend 100 orb but I went over by 75.

At the moment, I currently have 125 orbs reserved for the re-run of the Hares at the Fair banner. Hopefully this year I will get bunny Sharena!

Wow that's awesome!

I only did the free pull but the AHR banner gave me a chuckle. I didn't realize until today that all 4 focus heroes were green. During my free pull I had a single green orb. Naturally that's the one I picked and I got a free duo Corrin. Considering I also have the free copy everyone got I'm unsure if I'll merge or fodder her yet.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 885 orbs. Spent 186 orbs on the A Hero Rises banner. The 5-star units that I was able to get are: Kjelle (+Res/-Des) [4-star Special], Legendary Male Byleth (+HP/-Def), Deirdre (+Atk/-Def) [4-star Special], Brave Ephraim (+HP/-Res) [4-star Special], Helbindi(+Def/-Res) [4-star Special], Harmonized Azura (+Def/-HP), and Harmonized Azura (+HP/-Res). I haven't decided on who to pick for my free summon after the 40th summon. Deciding between Thorr and Legendary Male Byleth.

My luck on the banner could of been better, but I did get the hero that I wanted from there. That would be Harmonized Hero Azura. Only wanted her because Leanne is featured with Azura as the partner unit. So... I'm pretty happy with getting 2 copies despite not getting the IVs I wanted on her. It would have been nice to get better IVs; however, maybe I'm just asking too much already as it is.

Guess it's time to go back to saving my orbs until a new FE8 character or the CYL 6 banner to show up.


Check out these links down below too:
Forma Units and New Skills as of HoF 03/2022
List of One-Color Banners
Legendary/Mythic Calendar with New Hero Rerun Tracker (Post-AHR 2022)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #52 (Ophelia)

Last night I finally got bun-bun Sharena! I used up all 160 orbs and got pity broken by Dedue, Astrid, and Marianne. I was pleasantly surprised to get Dedue though since he’s on my medium priority list.

For that 4 star rate (I forgot what it’s called) I got OG Hector and Dorcas. None of the other special units though.

Next year I’ll aim for spring Bruno.

New Seasonal Heroes are coming to Fire Emblem Heroes soon.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I figured the new Kids Banner would be Tellius based off the silhouettes and the units that have been chosen are definitely pretty cute. Originally, I was going to skipped this banner until I saw Young Ilyana. She's just too adorable for me to pass up. I actually thought it would be Titania instead of Ilyana to go with a Greil Mercenaries theme. Young Ilyana is the demote of the banner. Another plus side for me.

In any case... The tempest trial+ unit is going to be Young Boyd and he's going to be an axe infantry unit.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,014 orbs. I was going to save my orbs for new FE8 units and CYL 6, but I got to get Young Ilyana and add her to my barracks. Hoping I have better luck when summoning for Young Ilyana.


Check out these links down below too:
Unlikely Friends Units - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Unlikely Friends (Child Mia, Soren, Ilyana, Ike & Mist Duo)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Boyd - Future Great [Showcase]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Boyd: Future Great (TT+ "Breadwinners" reward)
NEW Refines of April 2022 for Aversa, Tibarn, Selkie, Ylgr & Spring Veronica
Duo/Harmonic Heroes Series | Infographic | Apr 2022 (Before Duo Hero Ike +Mist)
Fire Emblem Heroes - Lonely Puppeteer (Spring Remix)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #53 (Lachesis)

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New Heroes have arrived to Fire Emblem Heroes.
Check this video out if you haven't already.


I was pretty surprised when I saw these characters in the trailer. The majority of the chosen characters had the same hair color. Thought the banner was like same hair color banner until I saw Scathach. I wasn't too interested in the characters, but I did listen to the voice lines for them though. My aim for the banner was to go for red and potentially try to get Scathach since he was the demote unit.

Anyways... Good luck to those that are going to summon on this banner. Hope you get the unit(s) you want as well as decent IVs for them.


Update: My current orb count at the moment is at 1,141 orbs. Spent 24 orbs on the Unlikely Friends Banner and I was able to get Young Ilyana (+Res/-Spd). I was also able to get Scathach (+Atk/-Def) with one of the Forging Bond tickets. It's pretty nice that I reunited Ayra and Larcei together in my barracks. But... I'm still missing Shannan though. Maybe I'll be able to get him one day.


Check out these links down below too:
Ascended Ishtar and New Heroes - Lvl 1 and 40 Stats [Neutral Stats]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - New Heroes & Ascended Ishtar (Tine, Arthur, Scáthach, A. Ishtar)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Hilda - Queen of Friege [Showcase: Tome Animation]
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Hilda: Queen of Friege (GHB Reward)
List of Forma Units and New Skills added to HoF 04/2022
Top 5 most wanted Heroes not in the game (Post New Heroes & Ascended Ishtar)
FEH playable characters checklist as of "New Heroes & Ascended Ishtar"
New Heroes banners potential 2022 lineup (updated to Ascended Ishtar)
Golden Week celebration! Orb Packs + Quests
Book I & II Resplendent Candidates (April Update)
Fire Emblem Heroes: Voice Clips - Resplendent Heroes #54 (Saber)
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