FE Heroes discussion

spent well over 100 orbs and got a +atk -res genny and +spd -atk lyn. im definitely going to fodder the latter for obvious reasons i dont want to be haunted by that superbane


it's okay buddy, i was there too until i got pitybroken by ****ing mist.


heh, my free summon for colorless was ****ing genny which pissed me off so badly. i tried so hard to get f grima on the last 8%, got nothing and went up to almost 10%, and then this happens. it just makes me so angry. i've really lost my interest in feh lmao ngl, im tired of getting screwed over by them. i spent all my orbs on the wings of fate banner so lol this b8 banner is cancelled.
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My team is already complete. Well, sort of. I use Ryoma, Fjorm, Anna, and Sakura at the moment, but I plan on changing it to Ryoma, Fjorm, Gunnthra, and Hinoka in the future.

If not that, then Ryoma, Fjorm, Anna, and Lyn
I blew around 80-90 orbs and managed to get Dancing Inigo. The only other interesting units I got were a second Lucius I can merge with eventually and a Sheena to take armor march from. It keeps showing red orbs when that is the color I am least interested in summoning from in this banner. And it decided to tease me with regular Jakob. Don't be like all the regular Kageros I got from the Easter banner.
Please don’t hate me but...


Hawkeye was my free pull and I was originally only going to pull Green first then Colourless but after Lyn and Grima I said screw it and pulled the rest. Just wow...
Please don’t hate me but...

Hawkeye was my free pull and I was originally only going to pull Green first then Colourless but after Lyn and Grima I said screw it and pulled the rest. Just wow...

Whoa... :0 Congrats on getting those units. I wish I had that kind of luck. Probably used all my luck getting Legendary Ephraim when his banner showed up. :T
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I was aiming for L!Ephraim on the banner and ended up getting him without too much trouble, and he's +Atk -Spd too!
At first I just wanted him because he looked like a solid unit (great stats, an interesting kit, currently the only Fire legendary, and the only other Legendaries I had were the free Fjorm and Ike) and Sacred Stones was my first FE so I'll gladly take more units from it. But WOW, IS HE FUN TO USE! I also didn't realize at first how great +Atk is on him (58 BASE ATTACK ON A CAV UNIT)! I'm now really considering moving my summoner support onto him partially to see 60 base attack before any merges/skills.
I was aiming for L!Ephraim on the banner and ended up getting him without too much trouble, and he's +Atk -Spd too!
At first I just wanted him because he looked like a solid unit (great stats, an interesting kit, currently the only Fire legendary, and the only other Legendaries I had were the free Fjorm and Ike) and Sacred Stones was my first FE so I'll gladly take more units from it. But WOW, IS HE FUN TO USE! I also didn't realize at first how great +Atk is on him (58 BASE ATTACK ON A CAV UNIT)! I'm now really considering moving my summoner support onto him partially to see 60 base attack before any merges/skills.
Congrats on getting Legendary Ephraim, Cress. ^.^
Oh... You got +Atk/-SPD. :0 Cool.
Spent 9 orbs and got a H!Henry that's +spd/-res, so I'm happy. I just wanted one of the halloween units to keep coz I didn't get the the first time, so I'm glad I finally got one. Then I went to break my 4.25% on the Fates banner and it was broken by a +res/-spd Hardin. Pretty good ivs for both of them. Just wish it was Shigure, but I'm hoping he'll be the one demoted
Please don’t hate me but...

Hawkeye was my free pull and I was originally only going to pull Green first then Colourless but after Lyn and Grima I said screw it and pulled the rest. Just wow...

You got more 5* units in one session than I've gotten from THREE SEPARATE LEGENDARY BANN- i mean, it's cool, i'm cool.
Enemy phase music is dead, finally.

So now that Corrin finally has his weapon, who's next in line for the "wtf when is ____ gonna get a prf"
My heart. 2/3 of my arena core is getting a weapon refinement. My +4 M!Corrin and +2 DC Camilla can't wait!!
I'm mostly excited to see what Rhomphaia will do for Clair since she's so heavily outclassed by almost every other lance flier. Somewhat sadly, the best one I have rn is +Atk -Spd but I may still end up using her depending on how great the refinement is. +Atk is a superboon on her which she absolutely needs, and I just finished the 9th Squad Assault to get another Speed Seal so she can take that one if I don't get another Clair by then (and I don't plan on pulling on any more banners in the next week so that seal is almost certainly hers).

In other news, another thank you to M!Kana for being fantastic fodder. I still can't get over the fact that we're already getting free copies of a Brazen skill.
I'm mostly excited to see what Rhomphaia will do for Clair since she's so heavily outclassed by almost every other lance flier. Somewhat sadly, the best one I have rn is +Atk -Spd but I may still end up using her depending on how great the refinement is. +Atk is a superboon on her which she absolutely needs, and I just finished the 9th Squad Assault to get another Speed Seal so she can take that one if I don't get another Clair by then (and I don't plan on pulling on any more banners in the next week so that seal is almost certainly hers).

In other news, another thank you to M!Kana for being fantastic fodder. I still can't get over the fact that we're already getting free copies of a Brazen skill.

My guess is that Rhomphia will have the same effect as Wing Sword, being dual effectiveness against Armor and Cavalry, but a different refined effect. The dual effectiveness is true to how it is in Echoes, and at some point down the line I would expect Mathilda to possibly gain access to Rhomphia, and possibly Clive too.

I'm really curious to see how Camilla's Axe will turn out. It could be the opposite to Hinoka's Spear, so maybe +4 def res to allies within 2 spaces or something during combat, but it needs to be something that will make Camilla stand out among the strong cast of Axe Fliers, and while she is unique in a way that she's the only axe flier that has a niche of being an all rounded mixed tan, her stats are extremely balanced and a new weapon could really help her out.

And I swear to god, Yato refine better be game breaking
And I swear to god, Yato refine better be game breaking

Honestly I'm expecting it to be pretty average, kinda on the level of Binding Blade's refinement. I'm not sure if we'll see another Alm case again, at least this soon.
Honestly I'm expecting it to be pretty average, kinda on the level of Binding Blade's refinement. I'm not sure if we'll see another Alm case again, at least this soon.

Binding Blade refine is far from average. The problems associated with it come from the weilder and not the weapon instead.

Regardless, Corrin has a much better min-maxed statline than Roy does so whatever the refinement, hopefully it complements Corrin and does him more justice than what Binding Blade was able to do.
Finally got legendary female robin from that banner jfc. Sure loves giving me 3* crap I can't even upgrade n merge I'd need too much feathers lol
Welp. I splurged my orbs on the Legendary Lyn banner in hopes to get a different IV of SM Eirika. :T
Wasn't lucky enough to get another SM Eirika; however, I got the two other 5 star red units. Fallen Celica and Legendary Ike. The IVs I got for Fallen Celica is +Atk/-Def while the Legendary Ike that I've gotten is +Spd/-Atk. Not really sure what to do with Fallen Celica that I've gotten from the banner, so I might just leave her on-hold for the time being since I am not sure if I want to use her yet. I'm still currently working on a team for my Legendary Ephraim (+Def/-Atk) at the moment. The Legendary Ike on the other hand... I might merge him with my neutral IV Legendary Ike or get some Skills from him to use on someone else.
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