I totally get what you mean, I only started visiting other islands for trades last week, so when I got kicked out of an island I thought I did something wrong and it bothered me, because I thought it was bad to end the trading session via the minus button. But reading this thread has made me feel better now!
I don't really mind getting booted as long as I get to at least say bye and thanks, especially since in those instances the person I'm visiting is purely for transactional reasons and I don't actually know them or have any reason to stick around once the deed is done. I don't think feeling awkward about it is weird either tho bc I can see where you're coming from bc I used to feel awkward trading but after doing so many I got used to it.
I'm just extremely awkward in general so that doesn't help at all. But yes - I get really nervous when trading for no reason at all :') I think it's gotten easier over time but I still shake a lot lmao. I really just want to leave a good impression.
i think the only times i've felt especially awkward are when the other party doesn't speak much because they want to get through the trade quickly. there's no problem with that in of itself, i totally get it, but it does make me feel awkward since i always like to at least say hi and thank you. on the other hand, i'm always nervous trading with people i don't know because i want the transaction to go well!
I relate to quite a bit of what you said, so you're definitely not alone!
I used to get super anxious when trading, but it's gotten easier the more I do it! It helps being part of such a great community like this one! Like you, I'm always super polite, only touching/taking what was agreed upon and following people. I still do this actually (I follow people because I don't want them to think I'm suspicious and I only do what's agreed upon out of politeness).
In terms of being booted, it surprisingly never bothered me! I always just assumed they wanted to quickly move on to the next trade. I know some people can feel bad about it though, so if I have to boot I always say "I'll end " before I do. Personally, I only boot if the person is super far from the airport and I don't want to waste their time by making them walk, or if I want to easily close my gates because it's the last trade I'd be doing for a while. Well, I mean I also would boot if someone was being rude or a bully but thankfully that hasn't happened yet! 99% of the time I just wait for them to go to the airport
If someone visits my island, I always have the items they want right by the airport and I always welcome them with a greeting and a wave. I always greet and thank when visiting people too ofc! If they ask to shop or anything, I let them. Heck, if I'm expecting someone and I notice Celeste or someone is in town I even offer for them to talk to her if they want.
If an awkward silence occurs, I usually just do the glee emote or thank them again for the trade to fill the silence. If for some reason I can't talk in game, I always let the person know that I won't be saying anything and still do emotes when we trade.
What makes me anxious the most is if something goes wrong (like a connection error on my behalf...thanks hurricanes) and the person has to wait for me. I always feel like I'm wasting their time or am being a bother ^^;
Anyway, the way I see it, it doesn't hurt to be overly polite or cautious. Try not to overthink the awkward moments, and just have fun with the game and others who enjoy it too!
You aren’t weird at all! I think we just interpret things differently. For me personally, when someone walks back to the airport, I’ll only close using the button option if that’s the only trade I’m doing and I don’t wanna have to tell Orville to close the gate. That’s honestly all there is to it for me, haha. It’s basically me being lazy and wanting to get back to terraforming/decorating/etc.