First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

It was the OG Gameboy, and either, Legend of Zelda: Link's Awakening (I still need to finish it, and then play the switch version), Super Mario 2, or Kirby's Dreamland (still gutted I never got to the end of Kirby, I got close, like the 2nd to last level, and lost all my lives, and the will to try again :'D)
My first system was my Wii U! (I only figured out that recently!) My family got it for Christmas 2012! I still play so many games on it! First game was either New Super Mario Bros or Nintendo Land!!
My first Nintendo system was the SNES, first game I think was Super Mario Bros All Stars.
GameCube! The purple one 💜
I played Sonic Adventure 2 Battle and Sonic Adventure DX: Director's Cut
daily. Chao gardens, you see.

Please be a thing once more 💫

When I was 3 I played ice climbers on one of these bootleg 100-in-1 consoles my father bought, I consider it my 1st game even if it wasn't on an actual console.
If only legit console/game conunt, the first one I played was pokemon crystal on my cousin's pikachu gbc ^^
The first one I had was the DS but originally my family owned a NES but I don’t remember if I played it and my first game was new super Mario bros
It was the NES, and I think we owned only 2 games. Mario and duck hunt. I remember playing a lot of duck hunt and then later using the duck hunt gun to pretend to pierce our little brother’s ears. This was probably sometime around 1990-1992?
We had a PlayStation from a garage sale. It came with a few games, and I mostly remember my dad playing Doom while I watched lol.
My first system was a Nintendo DS lite with the game (new) super mario bros 😊 I also remember getting nintendogs and Pokemon diamond shortly after.
i think my first nintendo console was the wii :)
my first game was either wii sports, wii music, or animal crossing city folk.
Either the Nintendo 64 or the Gamecube. I know I played the Gamecube and at least watched my older brothers play the Nintendo 64. Only Nintendo system I haven't had since was the Wii U. No real reason for me to ever get that, nor was it special at all.
I recall for Christmas I got an N64 with Super Mario 64 as a gift. I was so excited and it was the year it was released too! I remember my mom telling me many years later that they had to put it on layaway so that they can be sure to get it for me in time for Christmas
My first Nintendo console was the Wii and the first game I played was either Wii Sports on NSMBWii. I spent hours playing the bike riding game in Wii Fit and annoyed my parents with constantly playing September in Wii Music. I had that Wii for a while until my younger brother put a playing card in the disc drive. We had to send it to Nintendo to get fixed but even after that it still stopped working ( wouldn't read discs.) and had to get another one. My parents wanted a black Wii but all our store had were the white ones. That second Wii came with Mario Kart, nice.
The original ds!
I used to play animal crossing: wild world on my sister’s ds so much as a 3 year old that my parents bought me a tiny red ds (i insisted it had to be red) for my 3rd christmas so that she could finally have some time away from me rip. i couldn’t even read at this point so i was stuck on the tutorial when tom nook makes you do stuff like planting flowers outside his shop, so my sister had to sneak onto my ds after my bedtime one night and complete them for me. even after that, i still did stuff like putting my items in the bin and then wondering where they went because i couldn’t read xD
happier times
gameboy SP, and it was either pokemon emerald or super mario world (super mario advanced 2.) i believe it was SMW because my sister owned pokemon emerald but she did let me use it, however its much more likely she gave up super mario to me before emerald.
Nintendo DS, Animal crossing wild world 😅 I got it at the same time as Nintendogs
My first Nintendo console was the Gamecube (still play to this day! ^.^) and fist game...Shrek 2 😅
It's lots of fun though!!​
I think my first one was the Gameboy Advance SP and I had quite a few games on it but my first one was Mario Kart: Super Circuit!