First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

Mine was the NES. Some of my first memories are of playing the original Super Mario Bros and Duck Hunt. My first handheld was the Gameboy Pocket; I skipped the "gray brick." 😄
Fun thread topic idea lol

My first game console was the Nintendo 64 & first game was Super Mario 64, was 5 at the time in the year of 1997. I remember my Mom just buying this for me as a kid not knowing what the heck it was hahaha , after playing SM64, I was completely hooked on the idea of Video games and now playing games till this day. Lol

Share your quick story, doesn't even have to be related to Nintendo also ;)
mine was animal crossing on the nintendo 3ds! i had never owned nintendo consoles before bc they are very expensive in my country :( it introduced me to animal crossing and i became obsessed with it up to thia day! it was also my first time playing a pokemon game (sun and moon) and i enjoyed it!
I’ve been keeping up with the handhelds since Gameboy Color, mostly for Pokemon. Never got any of the consoles. I still play on the 3DS as well as the Switch (I love Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: Explorers of Time/Darkness/Sky way too much).
Damn I can't remember the very first game I played but I'm pretty sure the first console I played on was either NES or SNES... Probably NES. One of the first games I played was Super Mario Bros All Stars and Donkey Kong the one where you have to climb up all the latters and save Peach from Donkey Kong lol. Amazing memories... I remember playing Mortal Kombat on NES too I think it was.

And then for SNES I also played Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Turtles in Time, Donkey Kong Country, etcetc. I used to play with my brother and I would always be Diddy Kong since I was small and he would always be Donkey Kong since he was bigger xDD. I still to this day listen to Aquatic Ambience, the theme song from the ocean level in DK Country and all the throwback music from the SNES/N64 days lol. I literally have a Spotify playlist dedicated to those songs lmao
My first console was Nintendo DS Lite, with the game New Super Mario Brothers! Still have that Nintendo and the game. After that came Nintendogs and Pokemon Diamond! I was in primary school at the time ^^
I still to this day listen to Aquatic Ambience, the theme song from the ocean level in DK Country and all the throwback music from the SNES/N64 days lol. I literally have a Spotify playlist dedicated to those songs lmao

Oh geeze, the DKC 1 + 2 soundtracks are a soft spot of mine. OverClocked ReMix had a couple of great collab project albums you'd probably enjoy, if you're not already familiar with em;

Donkey Kong Country: Kong in Concert
Donkey Kong Country 2: Serious Monkey Business
Oooh I *think* it was Nintendogs on the DSLite of all things? I played a ton of that game (honestly I’d play it again if I still had the cartridge.) Though there’s a small chance it was actually Super Mario 64 on the family’s N64 and I’ve forgotten.
The first Nintendo console that I played was the Wii, I think I started off with the Mario series like Mario Galaxy and Super Mario Bros, but recently my dad found his old N64 and Gamecube. I mainly use the N64 to play Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time, and the Gamecube is not really used since the Wii supports Gamecube games.
technically the first nintendo console i ever played was my brother's n64. the game must've been either paper mario or kirby. possibly diddy kong racing? but the first console i ever owned for myself was the dslite, with nintendogs of course (which i lost somewhere after 6 years 😭 )
My first was the Gameboy Color. I remember having a purple and a green one. My first games were Pokemon. Pokemon RBY were all the rage when I was in primary. I sold them during my university days because I needed the money, but I sort of regret selling them now.
It was the DS! the first one hahaha
It may’ve been a ds lite though..I was so young then
NES (well, technically Family Computer since it's Japan version) then first game obviously was Super Mario Bros.
the n64 way back when along with sm64. sometimes i wonder how different things would be if i had started with another game, like say starfox 64? or if i had gotten a sega console instead?
My first system was a transparent purple Gameboy Color, and my first game was Carrot Crazy 😊 Though I played a lot more of Gameboy Camera, Mickey’s Dangerous Chase, and Ham-Hams Unite
I was SUPER young but I think it was a nintendo 64 and that one game about skydiving, or Rampage, that one monster game were you would destroy a city. If not that then probably LoZ on the gameboy.
My first game system was a vtech vsmile when I was about 3 years old. It's basically a game console for toddlers but my favorite game on there was alphabet park. My first Nintendo console I believe was the purple gamecube but I don't remember my first game on it. My favorite games for it were ty the tasmanian tiger, loz collector's edition, pmttyd, and super mario sunshine.
Me it was the SNES, we had an emulator for it and my dad made me play Super Mario World and Super Mario RPG before introducing me to his favorite Zelda game, A Link to the Past. We also had an emulator for the N64, I played a bit of Mario Kart 64 and Super Smash Bros 64. (I also remember seeing my older brother play Conker's Bad Fur Day... 8-year-old me didn't like the foul language.)
Gameboy colour! i remember which model it was, too — the transparent purple one. and my first Nintendo game (and first ever game) was Pokémon Red! both the game and system were my older sister’s lol she got bored and tried teaching me how to play when I was a toddler...