First Nintendo game/system you ever played?

It was either NES or SNES, I forgot which one. The first handheld console was GameBoy Advance. For GBA, the first game I played was Pac-Man Collection.
-Super Mario Bros. 1, 2 & 3.

-Bubble Bobble.

-Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles,

-Duck Hunt (I still have the Zapper!).

And many others which names i don't remember.
My first Nintendo game would have been super smash bros on the 64 since my brothers who were much older than me played it a lot, I could never win. Also played Mario kart every now and then but generally, I just watched my brothers play. I enjoyed watching people play games for some reason. Once I had my own console, the dsi, the first game I played on it was nintendogs dalmation+friends lol. Still nostalgic to this day, pretty sure I still have the game cartridge as well. Nintendogs was soon followed by Mario party DS which wasn't too bad of an entry, certainly better than the later iterations on the 3ds.
The NES when I was like 5 or 6 years old. My dad introduced me and I remember playing Castlevania on it 😊
The earliest recollection I have of playing a game was either Ocarina of Time or Pokemon Leaf Green. I also grew up on watching my family play Animal Crossing: City Folk / Lets go to the City and I know I had a save but I hardly remember my first times playing it besides events like Bunny Day.
The first game system I played was GameCube, and the first game was Super Mario Sunshine.
my first game was Mr. bean for the ds I really enjoyed that game and I played it a lot until I got my second game animal crossing for the ds and that's how I started playing animal crossing
The first I've ever played is my friend's copy of Super Smash Bros Melee on my friend's Gamecube. The first console and game I ever owned is I believe a Gameboy Advance SP and Pokemon FireRed. I loved my Gameboy but it was the earlier model that didn't have that really crisp backlight that the newer models had so that was a bit of a shame.
My first console is the Nintendo DS. I have a silver/grey one which is my original one from when I was little. My first game is either Mario 64 or Mario Kart, I am not very sure but I remember being in the games store with my mother and sister (aunts may have been there?) to buy Mario 64 DS. And I remember getting Mario Kart as a present and seeing the case for it. :) The reason I got a DS and these games is because my older sister had them. think I was 3 or 4 or around there when I got it? Because this was before my sister and I had Animal Crossing Wild World, (and I know I had Wild World when I was 4 because I have letters mentioning my fifth birthday there 😅 )
First I remember having was a DS Lite and Wild World, but I have no idea. Probably something older since my mom has been playing Nintendo games since the 80s.
Mine was super Mario Brothers 3 on the NES, I still have the same console and copy of the game too!
Probably the first video game I ever played tbh
The first Nintendo console I played was the Wii, as for the first Nintendo game, I have no idea. Possibly Mario Cart for the Wii, but it could have been something else
The first Nintendo system I played was the Nintendo64, and I believe the first game I played for it was the original Mario Party. Had a lot of fun with it. :)
It was either NES or SNES. I think there's a pic of me playing one of them at the age of 2? So whichever it was it was while infantile amnesia was still working its magic. Most of the games on those consoles my family had since before I was born, I think.

Side note we used to have a Mario Paint guidebook and lost it, still upset about that lol. I hope it wasn't stolen...
my first Nintendo system was the SNES and i think my first game was Super Mario World, lots of good times. but Super Mario RPG Legend of the Seven Stars was my favorite game on this system.
I wanna say N64, but I think it was probably the Sega Genesis I was remembering. It's a long time.

My first real console that I remember is the Gameboy Color with all those Pokémon games. Unfortunately, some classmate of mine stole it and all the cartridges. I couldn't catch him because I had no evidence. I ended up downgrading to a Gameboy Pocket instead...

And then I got a Switch some 20 years later, so all's well that end well.
The first Nintendo system I remember playing was the Game Cube. I remember me and my younger brother used to play Star Fox, Mario Kart, and SSB Melee on it. I really miss those day, despite all the fighting we had... I think it's because he stopped playing games as he got older.
Omg brings back memories of my childhood!

It was an old nintendo system, don't even remember what it is called and first game was Mario Brothers. I loved it and the (super) Mario Brothers games are still some of my favorites to this day. 😊